Mexico Flashcards
Mexican Miracle
Describes a period during which Mexico had a rapidly increasing GNP in orderly transition from an authoritarian to a democratic govt; followed by plummeting oil prices–>mounting debt
Describe Spanish rule of the colonies
Mexico was ruled by a viceroy–governor put in place by the Spanish king. Centralized, authoritarian, allowed little participation by indigenous
Revolution of 1910-1911
An important source of legitimacy; describes Mexican independence from Spain
What was the Revolution legitimized by?
The formation of the PRI in 1929, which was intended to stabilize political power in the hands of its leaders.
What is a Mexican historical tradition wrt concentration of power?
Authoritarianism–both from colonial and military power; currently the pres still holds a great deal of political power.
How has populism affected Mexico, historically?
Revolutions have had mostly peasant bases led by charismatic figures; the modern Zapatista movement reflects this
How has power been divided in Mexico, historically?
Power plays/divisions within the elite
What is a major part of Mexico’s political history?
Instability and legitimacy issues; violence in politics.
How is religion important to Mexican political culture?
A large percentage of Mexicans are devout Catholics, and their beliefs strongly influence political values and actions.
Patron-client networks; extends from the political elites to vote-mobilizing organizations throughout the country. Corruption is one by-product of patron-clientelism.
How has the economy defined Mexican political culture?
~ has been a very economically dependent country, whether on Spain or the United States.
How has geography influenced Mexican politics/government?
Communication/transportation across the country is difficult around mountains and rugged terrain limits areas where agriculture is possible. Mexico has an abundance of oil, silver, and other natural resources. Their border w the US has caused problems.
How has the population (size and location) demographics of Mexico affected its politics?
It’s the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world and it has urbanized rapidly, beginning in the late 20th century, which interrupted patron-clientelism.
What effects has colonialism had on Mexico?
Cultural heterogeneity (Status differences were clearly drawn by Spain, tho most are now Mestizo), Catholicism (Missionaries settled), Economic dependency (had to serve mother colony)
Who led the Rebellion of 1810?
Father Miguel Hidalgo
What were important influences under Independence/New Country?
Instability/Legitimacy issues; rise of the military; domination by the US (territorial loss); Liberal v Conservative struggle
Benito Juarez
A liberal President and military general, one of Mexico’s greatest heroes; very popular w ordinary Mexican citizens, but with a base of support among elites
What promise did Porfirio Diaz break to Mexico?
To limit himself to only one term
What group of people did Diaz bring w him?
Cientificos–a group of young advisors who believed in bringing scientific/economic progress to Mexico
What are influences of Porfirio’s regime?
Stability, authoritarianism (concentrated in elite), foreign investment/economic growth, growing wealth gap
How did the 1910 Revolution begin?
With a coup from the elite to remove Diaz from office; resulted in a period of warlordism and popular uprisings that lasted until 1934.
Who were two famous leaders of peasant armies during the era of warlordism btw 1910-1934?
Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa, who rebelled against the patron-client system.
What did the Constitution of 1917 do?
Meant to set up a democratic structure complete with three branches and competitive elections, but did not bring an end to violence. Limited foreigner’s rights to exploit natural resources.
The Cristero Rebellion
1920s, saw hundreds of thousands of people killed–many priests. Liberals saw the church as a bastion of conservatism and put laws in place to limit religious practices.
Which president established the PRI?
Calles–he wanted to bring all caudillos under one big political party.
How was the PRI intended to work?
People would ‘pass around’ power, caudillos becoming President for periods of 6 yrs.
Why was the PRI first established?
To stabilize infighting between Mexican leaders.
President Lazaro Cardenas
Stabilized and radicalized Mexican politics and gave voice to peasant demands during the Great Depression.
Collective land grants to be worked by peasants, created and redistributed by Cardenas.
A giant, govt controlled oil company, created under Cardenas’ plan to nationalize industry.
What did Cardenas do that would modernize Mexico?
Invested in public works.
How did Cardenas promote linking institutions?
He encouraged peasant and union organizations.
Where was power concentrated under Cardenas?
The presidency
What strategy of state-led development did Cardenas utilize?
Import substitution industrialization – employs high tariffs, govt control, and subsidies to domestic industries.
State Corporatism
The president determines who represents different groups to the govt–occurred under Cardenas.
Pendulum Theory
Set into place when Aleman was elected after Cardenas–idea that govt swings back and forth btw liberalism and conservativism
Describe Mexican politics in the 1970s
Tecnicos–educated, business-oriented leaders–took control of the govt and PRI with a moderate, free-market approach to politics.
Calls for free markets, balanced budget, privatization, free trade and limited govt intervention. Utilized by Mexico in the 1980s.
What is a major division within the PRI?
That btw politicos (old-style caciques) and tecnicos