Iran Flashcards
What is the name of the 1993 article in Foreign Affairs that predicted the 9/11 attacks?
“The Clash of Civilizations” by Samuel Huntington
Govt ruled strictly by religion
Belief that govt and religion should be seperated
Achaemenian Empire/Persia
Iran circa 6th century BCE
Contrast Persia w/ Greece
Persia = dry, highly centralized military leadership Greece = divided into quarrelling city-states, sea-based economy
List similarities btw Iran + other 6 AP Comp Gov countries
Iran = only theocracy
Russia, China, Mexico, Nigeria = oil is important
Mexico, China = developing economy
Who founded Persia?
What is the significance of Persia v Greece?
first act of west v east drama
Who conquered Persia and Greece?
Alexander of Macedon
Describe Persian sovereigns
Hereditary military leaders: Cyrus, Darius
Where was the Persian capital?
What religion did the state of Persia sponsor?
What precedent did the Achaemenids establish?
The authoritarian state
Sect of Isalm; argued for a hereditary ruler to follow Mohammed; minority in Islamic world; support Ali/imams
When and by whom was Shiism established as the state religion?
16th century, Safavids
Sect of Islam; argued for choosing caliph from accepted leadership; majority in Islamic world; supported Abu
‘true heirs of Islam’ in Shiite religion; descendents of Ali
Hidden Imam
12th descendent who disappeared in 9th century
Pahlavi shahs
Ruled from 1925 to 1979, authoritarian rulers who attempted to secularize state
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Unified political and religious interests, defended fundamentalism, led Revolution of 1979
What document legitimizes the state of Iran today?
The Constitution of 1979, along with amendments of 1989; complex mixture of theocracy and democracy, based on Jurist Guardianship
What President ushered about a period of reform in Iran?
M. Khatami (1997-2005)
Which President ushered about a period of theocratic control?
M. Ahmadinejad
Iranian political dynasty; followed Safavids, before Pahlavis
Describe the Qajar relationship to religion
Did not claim imam’s mantle, despite Shiism being state religion -> Shiite clerical leaders came to be main interpreters of Islam -> sep btw religion and politics
Describe historical govt control over individual lives in Iran
Authoritarian, but not totalitarian
Describe the history of the interaction btw religion and politics in Iran
Qajars secularized state, Islamic revolution returned state to theocracy
Describe Iranian relationship w religion, historically
Islamic law, sharia, acts as source of legitimacy
Islamic law
Describe Iran’s relationship w European colonialism, historically
Never officially colonized by Europeans (unlike Mexico/Nigeria); Qajars lost land to Russia; Pahlavis turned Iran into rentier state
Describe geographic limitations in Iran, historically
Arid/unusable for agriculture –> uneven population distribution, trade by land > water
Describe influence of Persia on Iran, historically
People still speak Persian rather than Arabic; distinctive architecture/literature/poetry/art -> shapes Iranian nationalism
Describe Iran’s relationship w nationalism, historically
Iranians have a strong sense of national identity
To which empire does Iran owe its Shiite roots?
The Safavids
People of the Book
Monotheistic people who subjected their lives to holy books, similar to the Qur’an (Abrahamic religions); allowed respect by Safavids
Where was the Safavid capital?
Who were the Safavid bureaucrats?
Persian scribes
Describe trade in the Safavid Empire
Silk roads had broken up and world trade had shifted to the Indian and Atlantic Oceans
Describe Safavid centralization
Lacked a central state and relied mostly on local rulers
Where was the Qajar capital?
How did the Qajar economy interact w Europe?
Sold oil-drilling rights to Britain and borrowed from European banks to meet court expenses
Constitutional Revolution of 1905
Revolution against Qajars’ move to settle debts with Europe w/out paying domestic debts -> demanded written constitution -> Constitution of 1906 (
Constitution of 1906
- Direct elections
- Sep of Powers
- Laws made by elected leg.
- Popular sov
- Bill of Rights
What created the Majles?
The Constitution of 1906 under the Qajars
Describe power of Majles under 1906 Constitution
made/pass laws and controlled cabinet ministers
Describe Shia relationship w the state under 1906 Constitution
Official state religion; only shiites could hold cabinet positions
What created the Guardian Council?
The constitution of 1906 under the Qajars
describe powers of Guardian Council under 1906 Constitution
Veto leg. passed by majles
How did the Qajar rule end?
(1925) The Cossack Brigade, under Reza Khan, carried out a successful coup d’etat and Khan declared self the shah-in-shah
What happened the the Majles under Reza Shah?
The Majles lost its power
Describe Pahlavi rule
Authoritarian, centralized
Tudeh party
Challenged shah, supported by working class trade unions
National Front
Challenged shah, led by Mosadeq, supported by middle class nationalists
Muhammad Mossadeq
Led National Front, advocated nationalizing oil, elected prime minister in 1951 -> overthrown by CIA -> shah restored to power
Rentier state
Supported by state expenditure while state receives rent from other countries (Iranian income from oil)
What happened to the judicial branch under Pahlavis?
It became fully secularized
White Revolution
Under Pahlavis, focused on land reform and secularization -> expanded rights for women
Pahlavi Foundation
patronage system that controlled large companies that fed pocketbook of shah and supporters
Resurgence Party
Declared only party in Iran by its head, Reza Shah
How does the Iranian revolution differ from those of China, Russia and Mexico?
Religious > Communist, resulted in theocracy rather than breaking religious control
Why did Iranians dislike the Pahlavi shahs?
- He was totalitarian -> no true corporatism
- Secularized Iran too fast
- ties to the West
Why did Khomeini appeal to Iranians?
Fundamentalism, depiction of us as “Great Satan”, gave new meaning to Jurist’s Guardianship
emphasizes literal interpretation of Islamic texts, conservatism and traditionalism
Jurists Guardianship
old shia term; originally gave sr. clergy broad authority over ‘unfortunate people’; khomeini expanded it to give authority over entire Shia community
Why did the Revolution of 1979 begin?
- revolution of rising expectations (oil prices decreased)
* US put pressure on shah to loosen restraints
Who supported the Revolution of 1979?
Many groups and many people; clerics organized and led rallies
How did the Rev of 1979 end?
shah fled country, people officially voted out monarchy
Who drew the Constitution of 1979?
Assembly of Religious Experts
Cultural Revolution
under Khomeini, aimed to purify the country from shah’s regime as well as secular values and behaviors, particularly those w western origins; all opposition was supressed
How did clerics consolidate power under Khomeini?
Iran’s economy approved and govt was able to afford social programs, Iraq invaded Iran and people rallied around govt, charisma of Khomeini
Who succeeded Khomeini?
Ali Khamenei
Why has Khamenei not been as successful as Khomeini?
Iran-Iraq war ended, world oil prices fell, not as charismatic, many began to advocate for democracy
white coup
bloodless coup; advocated for by Ahmadinejad
Describe Iranian religious cleavages
90% Shia»_space; Sunni > other Abrahamics; constitution guarantees basic rights of religious minorities but Baha’i faith has suffered religious persecution
Describe Iranian ethnic cleavages
50% Persian > 24% Azeri > Gilaki+Mazandarani > Kurds > Arabi; Iranians worry Azeris will want to form a large state by taking territory from Iran
Describe Iranian social/class cleavages
Govt social programs have helped poor; upper-middle class = highly secularized and critical of clerics
Describe reformers v conservative cleavage
Conservatives want to keep regime theocratic while reformers want democracy infused in system
pragmatic conservatives v rational clerics
prag cons = encourage free market, trade and direct foreign investment; rational clerics = state-sponsored wealth distribution and price controls
Iranian relationship w civil society
hasn’t been restored under current regime, but growing number of young people and factory workers show promise of restoring it
Tehran spring
occurred under Khatami, period of cautious political liberalization and open speech, ended under Ahmadinejad
Mir Hossein Mousavi
Ahmadinejad’s opponent for pres in 2009; loss caused riots wrt validity of count
voluntary militiamen
Green Movement
protesters of 2009 election results
Women under Islamic republic
Have had better access to education in recent years though Islamic Republic follows equality-with-difference policy
divorce and custody laws follow Islamic standards that favor men
Political parties under Islamic Republic
Provided by constitution, not allowed until Khatami; revolves around personalities > policy; plagued with factionalism and causes fluidity of parties
Islamic Society of Engineers
Political party of which Ahmadinejad is a part
Front of Islamic Revolution Stability
Conservative coalition
Moderation and Development Party
A moderate party
Combatant Clergy Association
Reformist coalition, has been described as conservative party, provided Rouhani as candidate
Islamic Coalition Party
One of the oldest parties, conservative
What are some banned parties?
The Liberation Movement (headed by first PM), the National Front (headed by Mossadeq)
what is the minimum voting age in Iran?
18, used to be 15
Which govt members may the public vote for directly?
Assembly of Religious Experts, Majles, President
Describe voting in Iran
Winner-take-all, no proportional rep; consists of two rounds
Workers’ House
Interest group for factory workers, political party = Islamic Labor Party
How do interests groups relate to business?
Few IG have formed around businesses bc of nationalization
Describe mass media in Iran
Freedom of Press is a major issue, radio and television are govt-run, magazines are catered to elite
Describe Iran’s state structure
Highly centralized unitary state, divided administratively into local levels
position fulfilled by supreme leader; leading Islamic jurist to interpret sharia
Describe duties of Supreme Leader
- Elimination of Pres. Candidates
- Dismissal of Pres
- Command of armed forces
- Declares war and peace
- Appts/removes maj administrators and judges
- Nominates six members of Guardian Council
- Appts non-govt’l directors
Who holds ultimate power in Islamic Republic?
The Supreme Leader
Describe membership of Guardian Council
12 male clerics, 6 appt’d by SL and 6 by chief judge/approved by Majles
Describe duties of Guardian Council
Decide who can run in elections, review bills passed by majles for compliance w sharia, exercise juris guardianship
Describe membership of the Assembly of Religious Experts
86 man house directly elected every four years, subject to approval by Guardian Council
What are the duties of the Assembly of Religious Experts?
Interpret Constitution, can dismiss and approve SL
Describe membership of Expediency Council
32 members, appt’d by SL
Describe duties of Expediency Council
passes compromise bills btw Guardian Council and Majles, may now originate own legislation
Describe President’s election/terms
Directly elected every four years, limited to two consecutive terms, must be Shiite
Describe President’s powers
- Devising the budget
- Supervising economic matters
- Proposing leg to the majles
- Executing policies
- Signing of treaties, laws and agreements
- Chairing National Security Council
- Selecting VP and Cabinet Members
- Appt provincial governors, town mayors and ambassadors
Describe duties of Cabinet
conduct real day-to-day work of governance
Describe bureaucracy
Gigantic, headed by President, clergy dominates
Semipublic, theoretically autonomous institutions; established by Shah and were nationalized after revolution; great deal of income; no direct govt supervision; prevent private sector from succeeding
Describe the legislature of Iran
Unicameral, though in some ways the Assembly functions as an upper house
Describe powers of Majles
- enacting/changing law
- interpreting legislation
- appt 6 members of Guardian Council
- Investigating cabinet members/complaints against branches
- Removing cabinet members
- Approving budget
Describe membership of Majles
290 members directly elected through single-member districts
Khordad Front
Coalition of reformist parties
Describe the Judiciary
supreme court headed by chief justice who is appt’d by SL for 5 yr terms
Differentiate btw sharia and qanun
Sharia = religious/Islamic law while Quanun = law made by people’s directly elected representatives
Does judicial review exist in Iran?
Describe politics of judiciary
Highly fundamentalist
What aspects of the Pahlavi judiciary did the Islamic Republic retain?
The appeals system, hierarchy of state courts and central govts right to appoint/dismiss judges
Revolutionary Guards
Elite military force whose commanders are appt’d by SL; protects the Republic; becoming increasingly independent and takes an active role in policy making
Statist v Free-marketers
Statists = govt should take an active role in controlling economy Free-marketers = encourage private enterprise
How has the Majles politics changed throughout the years?
Flip-flopped from 2000 to 2004 to Conservative control
Where Khomeini began to denounce the shah, important place for Islamic scholars; generally people hold belief that men of religion shouldn’t get involved in politics until 12th imam returns
“Economics is for donkeys”
famous statement by Khomeini, disdaining economics and affirming religious
What is the main economic problem of Iran?
The instability in the prices of oil
How has the economy been managed under Ahmadinejad?
govt expenditures on subsidies increased 25% -> gasoline priced low -> corruption
Describe history of subsidies in recent Iranian history
In 2010, major reforms were to end many economic subsidies BUT almost all Iranians receive cash transfers today
Describe Iran’s foreign trade
many countries have placed sanctions on Iran for its nuclear activities
describe population policy in Iran
population surged after Revolution of 1979, when families were encouraged to expand -> unemployment rates increased -> govt reversed policy and began discouraging large families -> fertility rate declined -> reversed population crisis
Describe President Ahmadinejad’s foreign policies
Polarizing, threatened to attack American interests
Describe President Rouhani’s foreign policies
long record of experience in international relations, supported membership in WTO and concerned about ‘brain drain’
What is Iran’s most important international membership?
What group has exploited Iran’s instability?
the Quds Force
Describe Iran’s agreement on nuclear weapons
- puts limits on Iran’s nuclear programs
- nuclear program is focused into peaceful purposes
- deal extends the time it would take Iran to make a bomb
- sanctions may return if Iran doesn’t comply
- Comprehensive inspections required