Methods - Questionnaires Flashcards
What are the kinds of questionnaires?
- Open Vs. Closed Vs. Mixed
- Self-completion Vs. Assisted
What are the practical advantages and problems of self-completion questionnaires?
+ Incredibly quick and cheap, especially if postal or online and if questions are closed
+ No need to hire or train interviewers
What are the practical disadvantages of self-completion questionnaires
- Limited information can be gathered as questions are often brief
- Incentives are often required to get participants, otherwise you have a low response rate
- Participant has no way of clarifying anything, affecting both response rate
What are the ethical advantages and disadvantages of self-completion questionnaires?
+ Respondents are under no obligation to answering if uncomfortable
- May cause harm due to lack of comforting presence
What are the theoretical advantages of self-completion questionnaires?
+ Positivists: large-scale creates representativeness and allows us to find regional trends
+ Easy repeatability creates reliability and allows us to find temporal trends
+ Minimal personal involvement allows researcher to be as objective as possible
What are the theoretical disadvantages advantages of self-completion questionnaires?
- Interpretivists: Shipman (1997): if participant’s meaning is different to researcher ‘pruning and bending’ are inevitable, distorting data
- Validity is affected by lying and ‘right answerism’
- Participant has no way of clarifying anything, affecting validity
What is the difference between open and closed questionnaires?
Open questionnaires ask questions that don’t have set answers like ‘yes’ or ‘no’, this makes them more valid and allows the researcher to gain a more in depth understanding of participant but takes much longer and often has to be smaller-scale, affecting reliability.
What is the difference between self-completion and assisted questionnaires?
Assisted questionnaires are completed with an experimentor in attendance to clarify anything: although this mitigates misunderstandings and increases response rate, it takes much longer and allows you to send out less surveys - basically being a glorified structured interview.