Methods of studying cells Flashcards
Principles of optical microscope
-Use light to form 2D image
-Visible light has longer wavelength so Lower resolution
-Low magnification 1500X
Advantage of optical
Can see living orgnisms
In colour
– of optical
-2D image
-requires thin specimen
-low resolution so cant see internal structures or organelles
- Low magnification
Principles of Scanning Electron microscope
-use electrons to form 3D image
-Beams of electrons scan the surface, knocking of electrons from the specimen which are gathered in a cathode ray tube to form an image.
-electrons have a shorter wavelength so higher resolution
-High magnification X15000000
Advantage of SEM
3D image
High resolution can see internal organelles
High magnification
Used on thick specimen
Limitation off SEM
Vacuum so doesn’t let u see living organisms
Lower resolution than TEM
principles of transmission electron microscope
Use electrons to form a 2D image
Electromagnets focus beam of electrons onto specimen
more dense=more absorbed = darker apperance
Electrons shorter wavelength
High magnification
Advantage of TEM
High res so can see internal organelles
High mag
Limitation off TEM
may contain artefacts
complex staining process
2d image
requires vacuum so cannot see living organisms
only used on thin specimen
Define magnification
how much bigger the image of a sample is compared to the real size
Magnification= Image size / Actual size
Define resolution
how well distinguished an image is between 2 points; shows amount of detail
Explain how you would measure the size of an object viewed with an optical microscope
1)Line up eyepiece graticule with stage micrometer
2)Use stage micrometer to calculate the size of divisions on eyepiece graticule at a
particular magnification
3)Take the micrometer away and use the graticule to measure how many divisions make up the object
4)Calculate the size of the object by multiplying the number of divisions by the
size of division
5)Recalibrate eyepiece graticule at different magnifications
Explain how you would prepare a ‘temporary mount’ of a specimen on a slide
1)Use tweezers to place a thin section of specimen
2)Add a drop of a stain
3)Add a cover slip by carefully tilting and lowering it, trying not to get any air bubbles
Cell fractionisation
1)Homogenise tissue using a blender to break open the cell to release its contents
2)Place in a cold, isotonic, buffered solution
Cold- reduces enzyme activity so organelles arent broken
Isotonic so water doesn’t move in/out of organelles by osmosis so they don’t burst / shrivel
Buffered keeps pH constant so enzymes don’t denature
3) filter homogenate to Remove large, unwanted debris
Centrifuge homogenate in a tube at a low speed
Remove pellet of heaviest organelle and spin supernatant at a higher speed
Repeated at higher and higher speeds until organelles separated out, each time pellet is made of lighter organelles
Separated in order of mass/density: nuclei → chloroplasts → mitochondria → lysosomes →
endoplasmic reticulum → ribosomes
How can you distinguish between an artefact and cell organelle
Repeatedly prepared specimens in different ways
If an object could only be seen with one preparation technique, but not another it
was more likely to be an artefact than an organelle