Methods of resolving disputes Flashcards
Non- legislative Methods
The employer and employees involved in industrial relations conflict should first try to resolve the dispute in a non-legislative manner.
Order of Non-Legislative methods of solving diputes
- Meeting and Talking
- Negotiation
- Conciliation
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Meeting and talking
A meeting is arranged between the employer and employees. They discuss the issue and try to resolve the problem.
- Negotiation
Both parties meet and bargain with each other. They make offers and counter offers until a compromise is reached that is acceptable to both sides.
- Conciliation
The dispute is referred to an independant conciliator who listens to both sides of the dispute. Tries to get both sides to come to an agreed solution.
- Mediation
An independant mediator hears both sides of the dispute and outlines how they think the problem should be resolved. Mediation encourages them to solve the dispute together.
- Arbitration
An independant aribtrator listens to both parties in the dispute and makes a decision on how the problem should be resolved.
Legislative Methods of Resolving disputes
- Indutrial Relations Act 1990
- Workplace Relations Commission
- Labour Court
- Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977-2015
- Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015