Methods and Memory Techniques Flashcards
What are eight principles for quick recall?
Primacy, Recency, Chunking, Unique, Emotional connection, Familiarity, Visualization, Association
How could you explain Chain-Linking Technique to someone?
You could take a list of ten words, then VISUALIZE the first word. It is easy to visualize by using UNIQUE, EMOTIONAL CONNECTION, and /or ASSOCIATION that you already have with this word. Then have this first visualization interact with the second word on the list. Make this scene memorable through same principles and create an association between first word and second word. This goes on until get to last word.
What is the T.I.P. Technique?
Turn into Picture
When is it helpful to use T.I.P. Technique?
When the information is boring, or not particularly relevant to you at the moment, or is “technical”
How are some ways that you can use the T.I.P. Technique?
Use what the word sounds like to create an image. E.g.., Beryillium sounds like barrel. Use an association that you have with that word. E.g., an association with carbon is diamond.
What is the Location Method or “Memory Palace”?
Taking spaces that you are familiar with and storing information that you are familiar in those spaces
What is method that WJB uses?
Mental Screen split in half. pictures one one side. Numbers and words on the other side.
What is PIE System?
“P” stands for “Place.” “I” stands for “Imagination.” “E.” stands for “Entwine”
What are examples of places that we learned in Kwik Recall System?
Jim’s office. 10 spots on body.
What are some tips when using the Location Method or “Memory Palace”?
Go Clockwise in room when coming up with locations; use the same number (e.g., 5) ; Pick large items; Pick unique items.
What is the “Peg Method”?
It is an application of the PIE system. First, create a “peg list.” Using Kwik Recall method, we have the “sun list.” So, each “number” on the Sun List becomes the Place in the PIE System. Then, link the word you want to memorize to the “number” on the Sun List. This is very good for memorizing information that comes out of order.
What are Guiding Questions when checking to see if you are able to encode information? (Remember, the memory process can be described as: encode - store - retrieve).
What am I seeing? What am I feeling? Try to involve all senses and an emotion when encoding information.
What does L.I.E. stand for?
Limited Idea Entertained.
What does W.A.T.C.H. stand for?
Words, Actions, Thoughts, Character, Habits
What does A.B.R.A. stand for?
Acknowledge, Breathe, Release, Align.
What does S.U.A.V.E. stand for?
It is a method used to remember names. The “S” stands for “say” as in repeat that person’s name when hear it. The “U” stands for “use.” Ideally, try to use it 3-4 times if appropriate but do not overuse it. The “A” stands for “ask” as in ask about the name. The “V” stands for “visualize” as in think about associating name and face. The “E” stands for “end” in that use name when saying good bye. Try to at least one of them immediately, i.e., within six seconds of hearing the name.
What method does Jim suggest to use for names?
P.I.E. x S.U.A.V.E. So, apply the P.I.E. method to the “V,” or visualize, in S.U.A.V.E. The “P” is place and applied to a unique characteristic for the person and you can do this before ever talking with them. Ask, “what pops for you?” For example, someone might have bright blue eyes so that pops for you. You call that person Miss Blue Eyes. Then to apply the “I” in P.I.E., when you hear her name, Juila, you imagine jewels. Then to apply the “E” in P.I.E., you picture the jewels in her eyes.
What is the FDR Technique for remembering names?
Imagine when you meet someone that you write their name on their forehead. Try to get as many senses involved. Pick your favorite color and see it. Also, do micromovements like writing (this helps with memory).
What is the Vowels Methods (A, E, I, O, U)?
“A” stands for “Action.” “E” stands for “exaggeration and emotion.” I stands for “illogical” “O” stands for “outstanding.” “U” stands for “unusual.”
What are three questions that help to confirm that information has been encoded (remember memory process can be described as encode-store-retrieve)
- How can I imagine this? (Visual)
- How can I hear this? (auditory)
- How can I feel this or do this? (Kinesthetic)
Example, learning how to count to ten in Japanese.
What are the 12 R’s of memorizing something word-for-word?
- Read it
- Reflect
- [w]Rite what you have to read and reflect
- Repetition
- Run your lines (relating to someone else and role-play)
- Resources (e.g., rehearsal)
- Rise (while exercise, use body)
- Reform ( how you say it…e.g., change in different voice - Micky Mouse)
- Ration (i.e., chunking and bite-sized piece)
- Record
- Rouse (environment gets tagged with this information…using smell)
- Recall
- Relax (Bonus Point)
What is one way to effectively encode numbers?
The “Sound-alike” method. For example, 1 is bun. 2 is shoe. 3 is tree. 4 is door. 5 is hive. 6 is sticks. 7 is heaven. 8 is gate. 9 is whine. 10 is hen.
What is one way to effectively encode letters?
You could have each letter have an animal associated with it. For example, A is ape. B is Bumblebee . C is Cat. D is dog. E is Eagle. F is Fox. And so on.
What is a second way to effectively encode numbers?
The “Look-alike” list. For example, 1 could be a finger. 2 could be a hanger. 3 looks sideways butt. And so on.
What is the Alphanumeric Code of Memory (Or Major System)?
1 = T, D, Th
2 = N
3 = M
4. = R
5 = L
6 = J, G (soft), Sh, Ch
7 = K, C (hard), K, G (hard)
8 = F, V
9 = B, P
0 = S. C (soft), Z
What are some pnemonic tricks to remember the Alphanumeric Code of Memory (or Major System)?
1 = T, D, and Th -1 downstrokes and made up of 1s [Tie]
2 = N - two downstrokes [Noah]
3 = M - Three downstrokes [Moe]
4 = R - Spell out fouR [Rye]
5 = L - and if you put out fingers [Law]
6 = J, G, Sh, Ch - [shoe]
7 = K, C (hard), G(hard) - [Cow]
8 = F, V - V8 juice [Ivy]
9 = B, P - [bee]
0 - S, C (soft), Z -
What are some rules of the Alphanumeric Code (or Major System)?
Vowels have no value
Silent Letters have no value
Double Letters count once
W, H, Y have no value
How can you use the Body List to remember the Alphanumeric System?
Top = T = 1
Nose = N = 2
Mouth = M = 3
Ears = R = 4
Larynx = L = 5
Shoulders = Sh = 6
Collar = C = 7
Fingers = F = 8
Belly = B = 9
Seat = S = 0
What are the five (5) levels of learning?
Level 1: unconscious (unaware) incompetence (can’t do it)
Level 2: conscious (aware) incompetence (can’t do it)
Level 3: conscious (aware) competence (can do it)
Level 4: unconscious (unaware) competence (that doing it) -
“second nature”
Level 5: expert/mastery
What is MAP?
Memory Action Plan.