Application: Plaintiffs Exhibits in DW Flashcards
Ex. 1
Tie - Tick (picture of wound)
Ex. 2
Noah - Gun shooing Pee (Policies and procedures)
Ex. 3
Moe - pen in his nose (Wound VAC sign-in)
Ex. 4
Rye - butt initial (b.i.) on label of whisky (Initial Assessment)
Ex. 5
Law - Care bear with gavel in stomach (care plan)
Ex. 6
Shoes - eating Progresso sauce out of shoes (Kahl Progress notes)
Ex. 6(a)
Shoes + animal : important progress notes relating to Jessi Farley and Ehrman
Ex. 7
Cow - looking at four watches on legs while getting milked (work schedule)
Ex. 8
Ivy - ivy growing on minute maid (Resident Council Meting Minutes)
Ex. 9
Bee - Mars Bar made of bees (MAR)
Ex. 10
Toes - Tar pit and toes sticking out saying hello (TAR)
Ex. 11
Tot - tot drill sergeant for beaker (Kahl Lab Orders)
Ex. 12
Dune - Herby Hawkeye in pumpkin cart with #22 in Sand Dune (UIHC 10/22/18 visit)
Ex. 13
Dam - Ehrman looking at dam on patients bed that is about to bust (Ehrman 10/24/18 visit)
Ex. 14
Door - door stepping on scale (weight loss)
Ex. 15
Tool - hammer talking with all tools and giving rewards in lab (Lab Results)
Ex. 16
Dish - Dish transferred and is new kid in school (Kahl Transfer Forms)
Ex. 17
Tack - Tack teacher telling kids to get nutrition out (Nutrition at Kahl)
Ex. 18
Dove - reserved
Ex. 19
Tub - tub in the back of ambulance urgent self-care (Medic EMS Report)
Ex. 20
Nose - Mister ED’s nose bleeding in hospital (ED note)
Ex. 21
Net - a chiwala (tea person) who is pouring tea into a net (Dr. Jwala’s notes)
Ex. 22
Nun - Nuns with veil and swimsuits driving Farrari (Dr. Varadi’s notes)
Ex. 23
Name - Panda singing karaokee I won’t tell them your name (Dr. Pande’s notes and intubation)
Ex. 24
Nair - A grandma is nairing husband’s gray hair on back (Dr. Gray’s discharge)
Ex. 25
Nail - Step-sis dance that person in gray suit where just stand still like a nail or hammer (Gray Severe Sepsis alert)
Ex. 26
notch - weine cowboy gunslinger cutting notch in belt
Ex. 27
neck - hot day and gentlemen pours gellato on fancy lady (Consult for Intubation/Sedation)
Ex. 28
knife - not removing knife from patient (integumentary assessments)
Ex. 29
knob - cat (CT scan) for a door knob
Ex. 30
Mice - mouse looking into microscope (microbiology)
Ex. 31
Mat - Mat in elementary class during nutrition time
Ex. 32
Moon - moon using landline to call me
Ex. 33
mime - Mr. Mime (think Pokeman) drinking while on bike and connected to cathedar (think 50 cent video)
Ex. 34
mare - horse pharmacist talking mare into swallowing horse pills
Ex. 35
Mule - phone mule kicking Panda Bear doctor
Ex. 36
Mesh - Mesh nurse’s outfit worn by Blink 182 nurse
Ex. 37 -
mug - Mug admitting people into night club or not
Ex. 38
Movie - imagine film reel person and Insurance Flo Sheet
Ex. 39
Map - Imagine map from Dora the Explorer on date with the letter C’s son (little c)
Ex. 40
Rose - MIC University playing in Rose Bowl
Ex. 41
Rat - Rattitou in hat of orthopedic surgeon operating
Ex. 42
Rhino - Rhino cure that fights infectious disease with little Rhinos.
Ex. 43
Ram - Ram being married to another ram and starts to rain
Ex. 44
Rower - physical therapy is person pretending to be boat and rowing
Ex. 45.
Rail - think stairs and intern acting as a rail instead of getting real experience
Ex. 46.
Rash - someone has a rash that look like mini vents (E-vent) and it is cured by turning knob and cream
Ex. 47.
Rock - Billy Madison eating pop rocks…“R-o-c-K”..the “K” is silent
Ex. 48
Roof - playing catch with Roof (buddy) or riding along like kid sister
Ex. 49
Rope - Rope saying “dis charge” to sum (son)
Ex. 50
Lace - doctor doing autopsy on old man wearing lacey women’s langiera
Ex. 51
Lot - at parking lot of doctor’s office with phone waiting in car with headband
Ex. 52
Lion - Lion and Genesis September ER
Ex. 53
lime - checkup on 09.20.18 at ORA
Ex. 54
lure - fishing lure and 10.06.18 Genesis ED Visit
Ex. 55
Lily - lilies taking photos…poloroid and lilies come out instead of paper
Ex. 56
Lush - bag of lush at Iowa City (Bo James)
Ex. 57
Log - log wearing emo/dark clothes and lip piercing
Ex. 58
Leaf - leaf on atkins diet
Ex. 59
Lip/lab - picturing black lab dressed up like Fred Flintstone saying “Yabba Dabba Do” (Yablonsky CV)
Ex. 60
Cheese - fox fooling cow to give cheese
Ex. 61
Shed - Alchemist in shed with unicorn ballong