Methodology- Mixed Flashcards
keywords autonomous learner, discovering the information, problem solving is belong to method….
Silent Way
in which method correction doesn’t come from teacher
Silent Way
in which method vocabulary meanings reached through perceptions(senses)
Silent Way
…… is a set of charts presenting all the possible spellings of each sound of the target language
Fidel Chart
authentic materials and tasks, real-life situations and social practice of the language are essential aspects of the…..
Whole Language Approach
……..’s major principles are like: Language is a vehicle for human interaction; All 4 skills should be taught integratively, authentic materials basis, and learning is socially constructed by building on the previous experiences
Whole Language Approach
…. involves a reversal of two sounds or syllables in word. e.g.: torpak for toprak
it involves the addition of sound in the middle of the word. e.g. timr=timber
it involves addition of sound to the beginning of a word
The relationship between teacher and student
Bir kelimenin degisen zamanla olumsuz bir anlama bir anlam ifade etmesi
Bir kelimenin degisen zamanla olumlu bir anlama bir anlam ifade etmesi
ötümsüz bir ünsüz sesin ötümlü bir sese dönüsmesi (voicing assimilation) sürecine ne ad verilir?
/boril/ for /botil/
İnternalization or İntake
Verb – Noun to alert – alert to attack – attack to call – call to clone – clone to command – command to cover – cover
Are examples of..
Noun – Verb access – to access bottle – to bottle can – to can closet – to closet email – to email eye – to eye fiddle – to fiddle
Are examples of..
adjective to verb: green → to green (to make environmentally friendly)
preposition to noun: up, down → the ups and downs of life
conjunction to noun: if, and, but → no ifs, ands, or buts
interjection to noun: ho ho ho → I love the ho ho hos of Christmastime.
are examples of…
öğrenciler küçük gruplara ayrılır. öğretmen yazılı metni okur. öğrenciler notlar alır ve ardından bu notlar üzerinden metni tekrar bir özet gibi yazar. sonunda her grup yeniden yazdığı metni sunar. metin tekrar yazılırken öğrenciler verilen gramer kurallarına uymaya çalışır.
Analytic( field independent) ve global(field dependent) learner’ın farkı nedir?
Field dependent learner prefers to work with other to achieve a common goal while analytic learners doesnt need a group.
in which method students choose the content of lesson ? There is no syllabus or textbook?
Community Language Learning
What is the difference between discrete point and intergrative tests?
The former aims to get an information about learner’s abilities in a particular skill while the latter aims to test language as a whole.
What is the difference between prognostic and attainment tests?
Prognostic test defined as the predictive test employed to decide future success.
Attainment tests assess the learners previous knowledge or what they have learnt
a. selection test
b. achievement/progress test
c. placement test
d. aptitude test
e. proficiency test
f. diagnostic test
- attainment
- prognostic test
match them.
1 ) b, e
2) a,c,d,f
… validity is the extent t which a test gives similar results to existing test that have already been validated.
Concurrent validity.
…… refers to the impact of testing on teaching and learning
Washback or backwash effect
kinesics is the study of…
nonverbal- visual communication
He opens the shop at 8 a.m. every morning. Bu cümledeki nesneyi buluyoruz. Direct objectimiz the shop. Sonra bu nesneyi özne yapıyoruz bu fiilin ergative olup olmadığını anlamak için. The shop opens at 8 a.m. every morning. Görüldüğü gibi buda güzel kurallı bir cümle oldu. Yani bir fiilin ergative olup olmadığını anlamak için bize verilen cümledeki nesneyi özne yapıyoruz ve fiili hala kullanıp kullanamadığımıza bakıyoruz.
Tamam madem öyle olsun.
öğrenciler küçük gruplara ayrılır. öğretmen yazılı metni okur. öğrenciler notlar alır ve ardından bu notlar üzerinden metni tekrar bir özet gibi yazar. sonunda her grup yeniden yazdığı metni sunar. metin tekrar yazılırken öğrenciler verilen gramer kurallarına uymaya çalışır.
dinleme, okuma, konuşma ve yazma becerilerini geliştirmede faydalı bir yöntemdir.
dil yapısını ayrı ayrı, parçalara ayrılarak öğrenilmesini vurgulayan syllabus type hangisidir?
Synthetic syllabus
Cümlede birbirine gönderme yapan ifadeler
They are the test designed to measure the extent to which learners have mastered the materials taugt in the classroom. Internal end-of-year test and external school-leaving test are both examples of this test. Result obtained from these test inform about progress of the learners.
Achievement/ Progress tests
These tests assess whether learners have the necessary language skills to undertake a task in the future e.g. studying at an English-medium university or working as a bilingual secretary. The tend to be integrative
Proficiency tests
These tests are prepared to place learners into groups, usually by establishing their language levels so that students who have similar levels can study together.
Placement test
Okunuşta birden fazla ünsüz sesin yanyana bulunmasına ne denir?
e.g.: Smell, spin, green…
Consonant cluster
Linking in eş anlamlısı nedir? (kaynaştırma)
Yazılış değil okunuş ile alakalıdır.
What’s the difference between phonetics and phonology?
Phonetics is about the physical aspect of sounds, it studies the production and the perception of sounds, called phones. Phonetics has some subcategories, but if not specified, we usually mean “articulatory phonetics”: that is, “the study of the production of speech sounds by the articulatory and vocal tract by the speaker”. Phonetic transcriptions are done using the square brackets, [ ].
Phonology is about the abstract aspect of sounds and it studies the phonemes (phonemic transcriptions adopt the slash / /). Phonology is about establishing what are the phonemes in a given language, i.e. those sounds that can bring a difference in meaning between two words. A phoneme is a phonic segment with a meaning value, for example in minimal pairs:
Using most important part of sentence at the beginnig so that focus is emphasized. This process called…
Bir fiiln factive olması ne demektir?
Nesnel bir olayı anlatıyor olmasıdır.
Thematic meaning ne anlama gelir?
Sözcük diziliminin anlama olan etkisi ile ilgilenir. The ate the cake ve the cakae ate the boy cümlelerinin anlamca cok farklı olması gibi.
The ability to understand how ideas are connected via patterns of organization and cohesion and coherence devices are the competence of….
Performative verb olması için cümlenin öznesi ne olmalı?
‘ı’ olmalıdır.
i promise, i forgive, ı apologize…
Karşıdakinin face’ini korumayı hedeflemeyen ve bunun için çok bir çaba sarf etmeyen, genelde arkadaş ortamı gibi samimi ortamlarda kullanılan bir teknik…
Örneğin emir kipleri
Bald on recort
Off record nedir?
Dolaylı speech act kullanımıdır. Amacı karşıdakinin faceini korumaktır.
Bir parçanın içerisinde yer alan ifadelerin birbiriyle yapısal ve kelime kullanımlarıyla baglantılı olması, o parcada ………(1) oldugunu gösterir. ………..(2) ise o metnin tamamının anlamsal bütünlüğü, mantıksal bir sıralamaya sahip olması kuralıdır.
- cohesion
2. coherence
a piece of a tree
a geographical area with many trees
are an example of…
The human species (i.e., man vs. animal)
Males of the human species (i.e., man vs. woman)
Adult males of the human species (i.e., man vs. boy)
are an example of…
a bird
a type of construction equipment
to strain out one’s neck
are an example of…
Semantics konusunda bir cümlenin doğru olması durumunda zıttının yanlıs olacagını ileri süren görüş nedir?