Literature Flashcards
is a literary work of art which imitates another piece of work without sarcasm
is a literary work of art which imitates another piece of work with sarcasm
Yazarın kendisinin bir karakter olarak eserde bulunması
concluding section of any work is……
The literary device refers to the use of phrases and words that strike the ear as smooth, pleasent, and musical.
Opposite of Cacophony
The term used to refer to the literary practive of using a comparatively less offensive expression instead of its original, embarrasing form
Passed away instead of died
Correctional facility instead of jail
Departed instead of died
Fell off the back of a truck instead of stolen
Ethnic cleansing instead of genocide
Turn a trick instead of engage in prostitution
Negative patient outcome instead of dead
Relocation center instead of prison camp
Collateral damage instead of accidental deaths
Letting someone go instead of firing someone
Put to sleep instead of euthanize
Pregnancy termination instead of abortion
On the streets instead of homeless
Periprasis in literature or referring to sth at length in exaggeratingly long and complex sentences rather than naming it briefly adn directly
Not bad
not a beauty
not useless
not an ordanary man
are examples of…
…. is an adjective phrase used to define a characteristic quality or attribute of some person or thing.
E.g.: Ivan the Terrible, Richard the Lion Hearted
Exaggaration in literature
…… is a figure of speech by which the normal order of words in a sentence is significantly altered in order to add more depth to the sentence.
E.g.: Alone he walked on the cold, lonely roads.
… the emotional atmosphere of a literary work
…. refers to the author’s attitude to the subject.
….. may be ironic, light, satiric or sentimental…
…… is a comparison between two different things, usually connected by the words ‘like’ or ‘as’
….. characters are the characters who remain unchanged throughout the story
….. characters are the characters who go through a change in the story
We can call………………. for bildung romans
Coming-of-age novel
….. novel is a type of novel written in the form of a series of letters exchanged among the characters of story
….. novels can be read in a nonsequential manner
…… underlined the maninglessness and futility of life. Nietszche, Dostoyevski, Tolstoy are from this movement
Who is the creator of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson
Arthur Conan Doyle
Beauty of the Supernatural, Championing of the Individual, The Importance of Nature, The Dangers of Technology are the main characteristics of…..
Romanticism 1785-1830
William Blake, William Wordsworth, Lord Byron, Samuel Taylor Coleridge are the writers of….. movement
Romanticism 1785-1830
kelimenin başındaki ilk sesin tekrarlanması
Zaman uyuşmazlığı. mesela 1.dünya savaşında tablet kullanılması
Durum benzetmesi. . sudan cıkmıs balıga dönmek dediğimizde balıga benzemiyor, balıgın durumunua benzetiyoruz
bir kelime cümle veya phrase in cümle basında tekrarlanması.
“Five years have passed;
Five summers, with the length of
Five long winters!
Özlü söz
Hitap, seslenme. Cümle başında olur ve cevap veremeyecek birine seslenilir.
Judges, o you gods,…
thee thou thy thine gibi dilin süslü görünmesini salamak için artık kullanılmayan eski kelimelerin kullanılması
alışılmadık benzetme
güzel adlandırma
Hyperbole ün tam tersi
e.g. Just a stractch!
imalı söylem
Memur bey cezayı burada ödesem…
Birşey söyleyip tam tersini kast etme
Verbal irony
Seyirci ve hikayedeki karakterin sahip oldugu bilgilerin uyusmaması
Dramatic Irony
Kime niyet kime kısmet gibi yola cıkılan amacla varılan yerin farklı olması
Situational Irony
Laf sokmak.
Old english döneminde yazılan epiclerde kullanılan bir söz sanatıdır.
Blood demek yerine Battle-Sweat demek gibi
Komik etki yaratmak için bir kelimenin yanlıs telafuz edilmesi veya yanlıs yerde kullanılması.
Karşıt anlamlı kelimelerin bir phrase olacak şekilde kullanılması
e.g.: same difference, act naturally, Only choice
Cümlenin kendisi ile çelişmesi. Fakat yine de bir anlam ifade etmesi.
e.g. Never say never.
Sesteş kelimeler kullanılarak yapılan kelime oyunu. Bir çeşit lexical ambiguity
İngiliz edebiyatında orta sınıfın ön plana çıktığı yüzyız
- yüzyıl
Realism, Aestheticism, Naturalisim akımları hangi dönemde ortaya cıkmıstır?
Victorian Period (1837-1901)
An ……is the use of archaic words (or spellings).
………are words that have gone out of use in modern language. Nowadays, their use is usually for impact, comic effect, or portraying a sense of the old fashioned.
His fleet feet seem impossible to beat.
Love lunges from the heart.
I kept my eye on the prize.
The actor took a bow for the crowd.
above we can see the example of…
Assonance is a stylistic literary technique in which neighbouring words repeat the same vowel sound.
Assonance is used for emphasis or to make a sentence more pleasing to the ear. It is used in every day language, poetry, and literature. To form assonance, we need two or more words that stress the same vowel sound. It’s important to focus on the sound rather than the letter because it is the sound that catches the audience’s attention.
Hikayedeki kötü karaktere ne denir?
The expected action and the actual action are in direct contrast.
Olması beklenen durumla gerçekleşen durum arasındaki uyuşmazlık. Yani amaç - sonuç farklılığı.
e.g. when someone buys a gun to protect himself , but the same gun is used by another individual to injure him
Situational irony
Negatice capability nedir?
Edebi eserlerde bazı durumların çözümlenmeden, gizemli halde bırakılması.
flesh blood yerine blesh flood dersek hangi söz sanatını yapmış oluruz?
…… a realistic story that concentrates the reader’s attention upon the customs and conversation, and the ways of thinking and valuing of the people of a social class
Novel of manner
Okuyucuya birşeyler öğretme, ders verme amacı güden edebi tür hangisidir?
Didactic Literature
İncilden hikayeler aktaran kısa oyunlara ne denir?
Mystery plays
Soliloquy ve Aside farkı nedir?
Soliluquy’da oyuncu zihnindeki düşünceleri aktarır.
Aside’da ise durumlar hakkında izleyiciye bilgi verir.
Main Difference – Blank Verse vs Free Verse
Blank Verse and Free Verse are two important features in poetry. Blank verse refers to poetry written in regular metrical but unrhymed lines. Free verse refers to an open form of poetry that has no rhyme or rhythm. The main difference between blank verse and free verse is that free verse is not written in consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any other musical pattern whereas blank verse is written in regular metrical patterns.
an extended metaphor which carries a second meaning along with its surface story…
Çeşitli stillerden ve dönemlere ait eserlerden parçalar alarak onları tek bir sanat eseri ortaya koyacak şekilde bir araya getiren tür….
.The characters blurs the line between hero and villain.
he is main character but not heroic virtues or qualities.
Büyük oyunların sahneleri arasında oynanan küçük oyunlara ne denir?