Methodology Flashcards
What is the most common methodology?
A survey/questionnaire.
Examples of different research designs are?
Interviews,self report data and questionnaires.
What is the difference between an open and closed question?
Open - allows the respondent to answer how they want.
Closed - Limited in the way that you can answer.
What is qualitative and quantitative data?
Qualitative - Descriptive data like words, pictures, diagrams etc.
Quantitative - Allows comparison of results using numbers, quantities etc.
Advantages of qualitative data are?
More ecological validity.
Can be turned into quantitative.
Tells you more about the person.
Disadvantages of qualitative data are?
Less scientific.
Hard to replicate.
Difficult to draw comparisons.
Advantages of quantitative are?
Uses controlled variables.
More reliable.
Easy to visualise.
Disadvantages of quantitative are?
Very narrow.
Lack ecological validity.
Gives a superficial view.
What’s an unstructured interview?
Open questions, flexible and gathers qualitative data.
What is a structured interview?
Pre-set questions and leaves little room to follow up on answers.
What is a semi structured interview?
Scheduled questions yet freedom to answer and follow up.
What is a questionnaire?
Closed questions and it uses a likert type scale and there may be space to write comments but otherwise just answer set questions.
What is a survey?
Uses a pilot study to see how long it takes and it helps to consider sample size and representativeness.
What is random sampling?
All me,beers of a target population have a chance of being picked.
What is stratified sampling?
Proportional representation of the target population who are broken into categories or groups based on age, gender etc.