Methodologies Flashcards
An investigation which a hypothesis is scientifically tested. E.g. lab, field, natural.
Lab experiment
- Conducted in a lab.
- Can control extraneous variables.
- Controlled conditions.
Lab experiment - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Can control extraneous variables.
DIS = Lacks ecological validity.
Field experiment
Conducted in a real world setting.
Field experiment - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Some control, control over the IV.
DIS = Can’t control extraneous variables.
= Hard to repeat.
Natural experiment
An observational study conducted in a natural environment with no control over any variable.
Natural experiment - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Ecological validity.
DIS = Can’t control any variables.
On-line research
Research carried out on the internet.
On-line research - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Easy to get.
= Can get a wider / larger sample.
DIS = Social desirability bias.
Participants can’t be randomly assigned to the IV. Requires a specific group of people.
Quasi-experiment - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Designs can be strengthened with control groups.
DIS = Can’t rule out other factors.
Participant observation
Researcher does get involved.
Participant observation - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Rich qualitative data.
DIS = Biassed. Risk of getting too involved.
Non participant observation
- Observing participants without actively participating.
- Not getting involved.
Non participant observation - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = No ethical issues if people know they’re being observed.
DIS = People act differently as they know they’re being observed. Demand characteristics.
Content analysis
Analysing methods used to identify key words and themes in qualitative data and convert them to quantitive data.
Content analysis - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Can turn written data into numbers making it easier to analyse.
DIS = Could be researcher bias as it is subjective.
Structured interviews/questionnaires
Every participant gets the same questions. Can give both qualitative & quantitative data.
Structured interviews/questionnaires - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Provides both qualitative & quantitative data.
DIS = Social desirability bias, may not give truthful answers. May give answers that they think will make them look good.
Semi-structured interviews
Some questions are the same, allows new questions to be brought up.
Semi-structured interviews - advantages & disadvantages
ADV = Allows more in depth qualitative data.
DIS = It’s possible to write leading questions which can make the interview data bias.
Correlational studies
Research measures two variables in order to look for a relationship.
Correlational studies - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = May predict human behaviour.
DIS = Possibility of a third variable.
Case studies
A detailed analysis of one person, group or event.
Case studies - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Rich, in depth qualitative data.
DIS = Data can’t be generalised to the wider population.
Longitudinal studies
Researchers conduct several observations on the same subject over a period of time, some last many years.
Longitudinal studies - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Can look at changes that may occur over time.
=The subject doesn’t change suggesting changes are due to environmental factors.
= Rich qualitative data.
DIS = Participants may drop out.
= Can be expensive.
Cross sectional studies
- Analyses data from a population.
- Looks at different groups of people in a specific area.
- Can be multi-cultural.
Cross sectional studies - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Used to prove or disprove assumptions.
= Can compare different groups of people.
DIS = Cannot be used for analysing behaviour.
= People may not understand what to do.
= Some groups may not want to get involved.
An individual reports information on themselves, e.g. a dream diary.
Self-reports - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Provides qualitative and quantitative data.
DIS = Social desirability bias lowers validity.
Brain scans
- Methods used to produce images of the brain to show its structure and functions.
Brain scans - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Doesn’t use radiation.
= Can identify active parts of the brain.
DIS = Very expensive.
Quantitative data
Numbers, statistics.
Quantitative data - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Can put data into graphs.
DIS = Data isn’t detailed.
Qualitative data
Data in the form of words, videos or photos.
Qualitative data - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Provides detailed data.
DIS = Can’t put data into graphs.
Primary sources
Original research by the person who conducted them.
Primary sources - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Information is accurate.
DIS = Can be researcher bias, written by one person.
Secondary sources
Articles that summarise the original research.
Secondary sources - advantage & disadvantage
ADV = Allows psychologists to look back at the study and verify if it’s wrong.
DIS = May not be accurate.
Peer reviews
When an expert looks over your research to check the quality and validity.