most widely used stain
Lactophenol Cotton (aniline) Blue (LPCB)
preserve structures; slides can be made permanent
lactic acid and glycerol
dislodges fungal structures
Lactophenol Cotton (Aniline) Blue
clears specimen using 10-20% KOH
Potassium hydroxide (KOH)
stains chitin of fungi
Calcofluor white
can be mixed with KOH; detect fungi rapidly due to bright fluorescence
calcofluor white
detects cryptococcus in CSF
nigrosin/indian ink
diagnostic of meningitis
nigrosi/india ink
mucoplysaccharide for capsule of Cryptococcus
alcian blue or mucicarmine
rapid detection of P. jirovecii from lung biopsy or BAL
Toluidine O/Blue
examination of bone marrow and blood smear
wright’s stain
detects H. capsulatum and Cryptococcus spp.
wright’s stain
detects fungi
periodic acid schiff
in PAS, add ___ mins time if counterstain will
melanin in fungal cell wall
masson fontana