Meteorology Flashcards
Temperature decreases with height, up to tropopause (11km, 36,090ft).
Lapse rate is 1.98c per 1000ft/0.65c per 100m
Polar tropopause: lower and warmer
Equatorial tropopause: higher and colder
Tropopause breaks
At around 30deg and 60deg latitude in both hemispheres
Is due to difference in air temp
Temp is constant to c.20km/65,600ft. Increases from 30km-50km due to ozone o3 present.
O3 absorbs shortwave radiation from sun, helping to shield the earth.
Polar stratospheric cloud
Aka nacreous cloud or “mother of pearl”.
Appears sometimes in stratosphere.
Temperature decreases with height
Up to 80km high, temp to -90c at mesopause.
Polar mesospheric clouds
Appear very rarely in mesosphere. Aka noctilucent cloud.
Temp increases with height up to 2000c
Contains ionosphere.
Sits within thermosphere.
Electrostatic energy varies between 200kv-500kv between ionosphere and earths surface.
ISA Values at MSL
Temp: 15c
Density: 1225g/m3
Pressure: 1013.25hpa, 760mm mg.
ISA Temp Lapse Rate
1.98c per 1000ft up to 36,090ft
Constant from 36,090ft to 20km (65,600ft)
Pressure levels (10k, 18k, 30k, 38k, 53k ft)
10,000ft: 700hpa 18,000ft: 500hpa (50% MSL) 30,000ft: 300hpa 38,000ft: 200hpa 53,000ft: 100hpa
Pressure changes (0ft-20000ft and 20,000ft +)
0ft-20,000ft: 27ft per hpa/8m per hpa
20,000+: 50ft per hpa/15m per hpa
Calculating lapse rate (equation)
H = 96xTk / P
ISA density rates (10k, 22k, 40k ft)
MSL: 1.225Kg/m3
10,000ft: 0.903kg/m3
22,000ft: 0.609kg/m3
40,000ft: 0.302kg/m3
Heating of earths surface by the sun
Terrestrial radiation
Long wave heat from the earth, heating the atmosphere
Transfer of heat by direct physical contact from one surface to another
Vertical transfer of heat
Horizontal transfer of heat. I.e. by wind.
June solstice (date, latitude, tropic)
21 Jun
23.5deg north
Tropic of Cancer
December solstice (date, latitude, tropic)
21 December
23.5deg south
Tropic of Capricorn
Where cold air can’t escape from below warm air. Occurs under clear skies and at morning.
Frontal inversion
When two fronts meet. Cold air trapped under warm.
Subsidence inversion
High pressure inversion. Caused by sinking cold (but warming) air, which settles above the cold ground level air.
Simple aneroid barometer
Used to measure pressure in aircraft altimeter.
4 Jan. Earth is closest to the sun @ 91million Miles
4th July. Earth is furthest from the sun @ 95million Miles
Specific heat property of land
Low Specific heat energy as it takes less joules to change 1 gram of surface temperate by 1kelvin
Specific heat property of water
High specific heat property as it takes higher amount of joules to heat 1g of water by 1kelvin
Latent heat process (water vapour-ice)
Latent heat is released.
Water vapour-(condensation)-water-(freezing)-ice
Water vapour-(freezing)-ice: sublimation (e.g frost.)
Latent heat (ice-water vapour)
Latent heat is absorbed
Ice-(melting)-water-(evaporation)-water vapour.
Ice-(evaporation)-water vapour: sublimation (I.e. freezer on beach on hols!).
Which direction does a high pressure wind move in the northern hemisphere?
Which direction does a low pressure wind move in the northern hemisphere?
What happens to the pressure of cold air with increased height?
The pressure in cold air decreases more rapidly with height