Metaphysics & Six Theories About God Flashcards
What are the Six Theories we have been discussing in class?
- Theism
- Deisim
- Atheism
- Agnosticism
- Religious Pluracism
- Fediesm
Who is the philosopher that subscribes to Theism? During what time was Theism most popular?
- ** St. Thomas Aquinas **
- The medieval period (Catholicism)
What are the two primary questions that we are posing about religious views?
- Do you believe in God?
- Is there evidence for God’s existence/or non-existence?
What is Theism?
Theism is the belief in a God.
They believe that there is evidence for God’s existence.
Who is the philosopher that subscribes to Deism? During what period did Deism originate?
- Voltaire
- 1700’s (18th Century)
What is Deism?
Deists believe that while a God created the universe and its laws, he has left us to our own.
They believe in God.
They believe that there is evidence for God’s existence.
Who is the philosopher that subscribes to Atheism?
David Hume
What is Atheism?
The belief that there is no God.
The belief that there is no evidence for God’s existence.
Three philosophers are associated with Fedeism, who are they? During what period did Fedeism gain popularity?
- Kierkegaard (Danish man), William James (father of American psychology), and Pascal
- The 1800s (19th Century)
What does Fedeism believe?
The belief that the belief in God is grounded in faith-not evidence.
1. They believe in God.
2. They either believe there is no evidence or the argument is evidence-tied.
Who is the “philosopher” associated with Religious Pluralism?
Joseph Campbell
What does Religious Pluralism believe?
The view that all religions are true, metaphorically, and not literally.
They believe in God.
They believe there is evidence for God’s existence.
Who is the philosopher associated with Agnosticism?
There is none.
What do Agnostics believe?
They believe that with the information they have, they can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God.
When Campbell refers to a “Transcendent Reality”, what is he referring to?
He is referring to “God.”
Which religious belief does Pascal’s wager support? What is the conclusion of the wager?
- Fedeism
- It is legitimate to have religious beliefs without evidence. Why? Because the potential consequences make belief worth it.
What are the four potential outcomes detailed in Pascal’s Wager?
- God exists, you believe in him (you go to heaven)
- God exists, if you don’t believe in him (you go to hell)
- God doesn’t exist, you believe in him (nothing)
- God doesn’t exist, you don’t believe in him (nothing)
What is the primary objection to Pascal’s Wager?
The “Many Religions” Objection
What does The Many Religions Objection argue?
Since Fedism believes there is no evidence of God, and there are many religions, how do you know the one you believe in is the correct one? If you are correct, then you have just gotten lucky.
What is the pro-religious pluralism argument made by Campbell?
If you observe the world’s mythology and religions, then you will notice patterns and repeating themes/stories. All of these similarities hint at a “transcendent reality.”
What is the objection made against religious pluralism?
Freud argues that these patterns exist between myths and religions because humans create said stories to fulfill their similar psychological needs.
“Is there evidence of God observable in nature?”
Which religious ideologies would say yes and which would not?
Yes: Theism, Deisms,
No: Atheist, Agnosticsm, Fediests
What is the argument’s name that argues there is evidence of God in nature?
The Design Argument
What is the Design Argument?
There is evidence of God’s existence in nature because of its complex nature. There must be an intelligent designer.
1. The universe is like a watch. (complex-working together)
2. A watch has an intelligent designer.
3. The universe has an intelligent designer.
What is a Teleological argument? What is a teleological argument we have learned?
- A type of argument where you start from the end and reason back.
- The Design Argument
What is the name of the objection to The Design Argument?
The Evolution Objection
What is the Evolution Objection?
We can’t find evidence of God in nature.
Evolution is an unintelligent process, though it is designs. The design we observe in nature comes from an unintelligent process, not an intelligent designer.
What are the three steps of the Unintelligent Process of evolution?
- Variation (each individual has small variants)
- Selection (some individuals survive easier)
- Reproduction
“Does revelation constitute evidence that God exists”
Which religious ideologies would argue yes and which would not?
YES: Theism
NO: Deism, Atheism, Agnosticism, Fedidism
What is Revelation?
Religious experience (ex. I talked with God yesterday.)
Theists argue that revelation is evidence. What is their argument?
Theists believe that revelation is evidence because testimony is evidence. They have lots of testimony, so why wouldn’t that constitute as evidence?
What is Testimony?
A formal statement that is given in court.
(ex. I saw her steal those apples.)
What is Voltaire’s Objection to the argument that revelation is evidence?
Since God loves all of his children equally, why would he reveal himself to some of us and not others? He would never do that.
What is Hume’s Objection to the argument that revelation is evidence?
It’s never reasonable to believe a miracle has happened.
It’s always more reasonable to assume that a person was mistaken than the laws of physics have broken.
Define Free Will.
Define Determinism.
- Many paths are possible
- Only one path is possible.
What is Determinism?
Every event has a cause. This implies that the entire universe follows one inevitable path.
What are the two types of Determinists?
- Hard Determinist
- Soft Determinist
What is “Fate?”
Though you have free will to choose your decisions they will all eventually lead to the same destination.
What does a Libertarian believe?
They believe that we all have free will.
Define Hard Determinist.
Define Soft Determinist.
- They believe there is only ONE possible path.
- They believe in determinism and free will but define free will differently. Because of other factors, your choice was inevitable. (You have choice to an extent)
What is Incompatibilism?
What is Compatibilism?
- The theory is that determinism and free will can not coexist. (Hard Determinists/Libertarians)
- The theory that determinism and free will can coexist. (Soft