Ethics Flashcards
Define Ethics.
The philosophical debate over morality and right or wrong?
What are the five primary Ethical Theories?
1. Cultural Relativism
2. Divine Command Theory
3. Utilitarianism
4. Deontological Ethical Theory
5. Virtue Ethics**
Which thinker is associated with Cultural Relativism?
Ruth Benedict (she was an anthropologist)
Define Cultural Relativism.
An action is moral or immoral because a culture’s practices’ or attitudes dictate that it is. (Morals are dependent on culture)
What is the primary question ethics philosophers are asking?
What makes an action moral or immoral?
Define Moral Realism?
Some actions are moral or immoral independent of cultural practices and attitudes.
What theory contradicts Cultural Relativism?
Moral Realism
Compare Cultural Relativism and Moral Realism.
CR: Just different
MR: Some practices are objectively better.
What is the clarification he wants us to make on the defintion of cultural relativism?
Relative to culture does not mean relative to circumstance.
Different cultures may have the same morals but they may manifest differently. Give a real world example.
-Christians believe it is moral to eat cows.
-Muslims believe it is moral to eat cows.
(They both agree it is bad to eat relatives, it’s just that Muslims believe cows are reincarnated.)
Jill believes it is usually immoral to steal.
But, she thinks it is morally acceptable to steal a bottle of milk in order to save an
infant’s life.
Is Jill a cultural relativist? (verbatim on the test)
No she is not. If the culture says it is immoral to steal, then it is always immoral to steal.
In culture 1, they practice infanticide. In culture 2, they don’t.
○ This difference could be due to different ____________. Describe.
○ This difference could be due to different cultural values. Describe.
- Circumstances. In one this is necessary to protect surviving children, but in another it is not.
(They both value children) - Or one culture values children while another does not.
What are the two objections to Cultural Relativism?
- Moral Progress (ex. women’s, lgbtq, minority rights)
- Genocide Counterexample (Can we really say that it is morally acceptable for the Nazis to commit genocide?)
What is Divine Command Theory?
The theory that an action is moral or immoral because God says it is so.
What is the primary problem with Divine Command Theory according to Socrates?
Give an example.
The clauses are reversed in a nonsensical fashion.
Correct: The car stopped b/c it ran out of gas
(TIFF is wrong b/c it’s hurtful)
Incorrect: The car ran out of gas b/c it stopped.
(God says TIFF is wrong, so it is)
Which two philosophers are associated with Virtue Ethics?
Aristotle and Adam Smith
Define Virtue Ethics.
The theory that an action is moral or immoral because a virtuous person acts morally
What does it mean for a person to be “Virtuous?”
This means that they function properly.
What is a Virtue?
An objectively good characteristic.
What makes a characteristic objectively good? Give an example.
An objectively good characteristic enables something to function properly.
(ex. A watch that accurately tells the time, a sharp knife, and integrated psyche)
How we do we define a “functional mind?”
This is a mind that is mentally healthy and mature. A mind that is integrated and virtuous.
If a watch and knife can function properly or improperly then so must a mind.
Give some examples of a defective mind/person. (Non integrated psyche)
-Excessive Anger
-Excessive Status Seeking
-A parentified child dynamic
According to Virtue Ethics, is virtue related to culture?
According to Aristotle…No.
Mental health is as objective as physical health.
(Virtue=Mental Health)
Who wrote the book “The Theory of Moral Sentiments?” What does this book argue?
- Adam Smith
- It argues for Impartial Sympathy, and builds upon Aristotles original Virtue Ethics.
Who argued for Impartial Sympathy?
What is Impartial Sympathy?
- Adam Smith
- The theory that a feeling is virtuous because any impartial spectator would sympathize with it.
Below are two situations, to which would an impartial spectator sympathize with? What does this imply?
1. You are crying because your dog just died.
2. You hit an old lady because you lost a game of pool.
- They would sympathize.
- They would not sympathize.
If they would sympathize this means that the action is virtuous in nature.
Why must the spectator be impartial in regards to Virtue Ethics?
We as humans are constantly reacting through biased lenses, so only a impartial spectator could respond properly.
According to virtue ethics what two things corrupt Moral Sentiment?
- Factions (tribalism)
- Fanaticism (obsession W/a single ideology)
According to Adam Smith…why do some actions shock or offend us?
Some feelings/actions shock all our natural and impartial sentiments. (Some things are naturally bad)
Should you save your kid or 3 strangers?
What is morally correct according to…
1. Utilitarianism
2. Virtue Ethics
- Save the strangers
- Save your child
Which is more moral according to…
1. Virtue Ethics
2. Deontology
A) I visit my friend in the hospital because I want to!
B) I visit my friend in the hospital because it’s rational.
- A
- B
Which famous philosopher objected to Divine Command Theory?
Which philosopher is associated with Deontology? Which philosopher is associated with Utilitarianism?
- Kant
- Mill
In what singular way do Kant and Mill agree?
They both disagree with Divine Command Theory.
What makes an action…
1. Moral
2. Immoral
According to a Deontologist?
- If it conforms to a national principle. (good rule)
- If it violates a national principle.
What makes an action…
1. Moral
2. Immoral
According to a Ultiliatinist?
1**. If it maximizes overall happiness. **
2. If it does not maximize overall happiness.
How do Deontology and Utilitarianism interact with
a. Intention
b. Results
D: Intention > Results
U: Results > Intention
What do we mean when we say “Good Rule?” Give an example.
A rule that is rational to everyone to follow.
(ex. Honesty, Trustfulness)
How would a Deontologist and Ultiliantinist feel is the best course of action in these situations?
1. Hiding Anne Frank.
2. Forced Organ Donor
3. Franz Kafka
4. Wife Beating
- D (Tell the truth)
U (Lie) - D (Don’t steal the liver, don’t kill the person)
U (Kill the innocent donor to save more ppl) - D (Keep promise and burn the book)
U (Publish the book and break the promise) - D (Immoral)
U (Immoral)
What is the method for determining if an action is moral or immoral for a Utilitarianist?
The Calculation Method
(Calculating total happiness numerically)
What is the method for determining if an action is moral or immoral for a Deontologist?
Using Categorical Imperative.
(Would I want everyone to follow this rule?)