Metaphysics of mind Physicalism - Type Identity Theory Flashcards
what’s type identity theory
mental states reduce to physical brain states and are the same things as each other e.g c-fibres firing is the same thing as the brain state associated with pain
why are mental and brain states the same
mental states of pain and brain states may seem different because one is a subjective private experience (qualia) and one is an observed objective physical thing , but type identity theorists say they’re one in the same - the mind is the brain, mental states are brain states, pain is c-fibres firing
whats j.j.c smarts theory of sensations and brain processes
he argues mental states are ontologically reduciable to brain states in the same way that water is h20, lighting is electrical discharge and pain is c-fibres firing - these relationships arent just correlations, electrical discharge happens at the same time as lightning or causes it, theyre the same thing. its the same story with pain and c-fibres
why arent ontological reductions the same as analytical reducations
these reductions arent the same as analytic ones like ‘a bachelor is an unmarried man’ as the opposite idea (a married bachelor) is a contradiction whereas even though lightning is an electrical discharge is true, there’s no contradiction if u said lightning isnt electrical discharge. therefore pain ontologically reduces to c-fibres firing but doesnt analytically
whats analytic reduction
shows language of one term can be reduced to the language of another term without loss of meaning e.g term ‘bachelors’ being reduced down to ‘unmarried men’ without loosing its meaning and so theyre analytically reduciable to eachother
whats ontological reduction
concerned with nature of beings or existence - entities of a certain kind are just combinations of entities of a smaller more basic kind, theyre numerically identical and share the same spacial and time qualities
whats ockham’s razor
principle that says the simplest explaination is the best and so if two theories make the same prediction, the theory with the least number of entities is likely to be more accurate
whats an example of ockham’s razor
before it was widely accepted that the earth revolves around the sun - astronomers used complex orbit patterns and forces to explain why stars and planets appeared in the sky. however a heliocentric model made the same accurate predictions with fewer entities and so ockhams razor correctly says the earth revolves around the sun not the other way
how is ockhams razor used against dualism (jjc smart)
type identity theory can make same predictions that dualism can but with one entity rather than two, the brain and not the brain and the mind. with no overwhelming proof for dualism, we shouldnt bring in extra entities to explain the mind as we can explain mental states enough by just referring to the brain - e.g when feeling pain, brain scans show the c-fibres get activated and vice versa, we dont need more substances.
whats the location problem against type identity theory
its often difficult to precisely describe where pain is - even if an area is given, theres no precise location. we can locate c-fibres firing in a precise location through an MRI scan, yet this doesnt always correspond with our mental sensations of pain as it would seem its located elsewhere. so even if you locate my c-fibres, touch them, point to them, it doesnt show where my subjective mental sensation of pain is. you cant touch or point to my mental state of pain
how does leibniz law of indiscernibility relate to the location problem
my brain state of c-fibres firing has the property of having a physical location, but my mental state of pain doesnt have this same property. using leibniz’s law, mental state of pain cant be the same thing as my brain state as they have different properties and therefore arent the same
whats the zombie response to type identity theory
type id t says pain is identical to c-fibres firing, yet we can imagine a zombie with the brain state (c-fibres firing) without the mental state (pain). so if zombies are possible then pain and other mental states arent the same as brain states
whats the concievability argument response to type id theory
mental states without brain states are concievable
so mental states without brain states is possible
so mental states arent brain states
therefore type identity theory is false
whats the divisibilty argument response
my brain is divisible
my mind is indivisible
therefore my mind and body are seperate substances and so mental states cant be the same as brain states
whats hilary putnams mutliple realisability response
mental states cant be reduced to brain states because theyre multiply realisable - the same mental state can come from many different brain states
whats hilary putnams mutliple realisability octopus example
octopi have very different brain setups to humans e.g lets say they have o-fibres rather than c-fibres. however if you stabbed an octopus and it squirmed around, surely youd say that means its in pain. but typeidth would disagree, octopuses cant feel pain because pain is simply c-fibres firing, and they dont have c-fibres
whats hilary putnams mutliple realisability silicone based alien example
if type identity theory is true then an alien and human cant have the same belief that grass is green because an aliens brain is made from silicone and humans from carbon. but this seems wrong- we both share the same mental state , a belief that grass is green, despite different physical states