Metabolic disorders Flashcards
What is Guchers disease ?
A genetic cause of a metabolic disorder.
People with Gaucher’s disease have a genetic mutation that limits the production of glucocerebrosidase, an enzyme for breaking down fats.
This can cause harmful build up of fat around the body especially the liver and spleen.
What can cause a metabolic disorder ?
- Genetics eg Gauchers disease
-Organ dysfunction eg T1DM. - Mitochondrial dysfunction
- Infection
- Toxicity
-Medications - Hormones
- Diet
What type of fungal infection can build up and cause acute liver damage?
Aflatoxin B1
Name a metabolic disorder which affects protein metabolism
What is Phenylketonuria
- A genetic condition that causes increased levels of phenylalanine (an amino acid) in the body.
- Autosomal recessive
Both parents must be carriers - Usually the amino acid Phenylalanine is obtained from the diet, which is converted into tyrosine with the help of phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH).
- In this disease phenylaline hydroxylase does not work. The absence of PAH results in lack of tyrosine, which in turn leads to low levels of Dopa and melanin
What are consequences of phelyketonuria ?
How do you treat it ?
Brain and NS damage
- Muscle tremors
-Behavioural difficulties
- epilepsy
Treatment includes a low protein diet and no aspartate and this is a source of
What can cause hyponatremia?
In hyponatremia, an excess of water in the body can lead to a low concentration of sodium in the blood
What can cause hypernatremia ?
In hypernatremia, a deficit of water in the body can lead to a high concentration of sodium in the blood.
What are some symptoms of hyponatremia?
What are ketones ?
Ketones are chemicals produced by the body when it burns stored fat.
When a person is fasting or following a low carb diet, body doesn’t have enough glucose to use for energy.
Instead, it uses your stored fat as a fuel source and converts it into ketones.
What is the process of deriving energy from ketone bodies
What is glycogen storage disease ?
It is a genetic condition in which the body has an enzyme problem and is not able to store or break down the complex sugar glycogen properly. It changes the way the body uses and stores glycogen, a form of sugar.
What causes primary hyperlipdidemia?
1- mutation
2- receptor not functioning
What causes secondary hyperlipidemia?
Diseases, liver disorder, obesity.
What condition has too little iron ?
iron deficiency anemia