Metabolic Diseases In Livestock Flashcards
What are metabolic disorders:
Non-infectious diseases
Caused by disruptions in the diet
Can overeating cause harm to cattle?
Acidosis etiology
-excessive production of ruminate acids which leads to reduced rumen function.
-ruminate gases build up because they can not be expelled.
-caused by overfeeding and/or a high concentrate diet.
Acidosis symptoms
-distinction of ruminoreticulum; seen on left side of the animal.
-foul smelling diarrhea.
-death occurs from suffocation or blood poisoning.
-blood poisoning- when blood pH is <7.35
-sore hooves, liver abscesses, and decreased milk production.
-death occurs after 4 hours
Who is at risk for acidosis?
-ruminants on concentrated and highly processed diets.
-ruminants that are fed inconsistently.
Acidosis prevention
-minimize meal size and feed more frequently.
-feed long-stemmed roughages.
-genetically select against animals prone to bloat.
Frothy bloat etiology
-the entrapment of CH4 and CO2 in a stable foam in the rumen.
-gas accumulation exceeds gas expulsion results in suffocation.
Frothy bloat symptoms
-distinction of the rumen on the left side of the body.
-dyspnea, grunting, and tongue hanging out
-death occurs within 1-4 hours
Who is at risk for frothy bloat?
-ruminants grazing lush legumes: emphasis on clovers and alfalfa.
-ruminants grazing legumes after a storm.
Frothy bloat prevention
-poloxalene salt molasses blocks; place away from water sources for maximum effectiveness.
-restrict grazing of pastures containing more than 50% legumes.
-prevention is treatment.
Fescue toxicity
Caused by the consumption of ergot alkaloids (toxins) released from fungus
Fescue toxicity symptoms
-rough hair coat
-suppressed appetite
-poor growth
-reduced conception rates
-inability to handle heat stress
Fescue toxicity prevention
-clip seed heads or maintain intense grazing to keep plants from heading and inter-seed another plant to reduce consumption
Grass tetany etiology
-Deficiency of magnesium (hypomagnesemia)
-occurs in ruminants grazing cool season grasses (wheat)
Grass tetany symptoms
-death mostly likely to occur before symptoms show
-ruminants are excitable, have a blank stare, and may appear blind initially
-uncoordinated gait, trembling muscles, grinding teeth, violent convulsions, coma, and death
Grass tetany prevention
-Provide mg mineral
-inter seed legumes
Grass tetany treatment
-inject 200 cc mg sulfate sq
-animals down more than 12-24 hours will not recover
Gossypol toxicity
-predominant pigment found in the cotton plant.
-free form gossypol is toxic.
Gossypol toxicity symptoms
-infertility in bulls and females
-anorexia from chronic exposure
-cardiomyopathy in calves