Metabolic Flashcards
Toxic molecule disorder meds
Benzoate and phenylbutyrate
Treatment hurler disease (MPS1)
Stem cells
MPS1 (hurler) vs 2 (hunter) vs 3 (San sanfilipo)
Hunter is x linked (boys) and no Corneal clouding (cf 1)
3 no course features and no HSM with heparan sulphate only in urine
Infantile spasms (movement disorder) and regression Typical MRI (loss myelination)
Think Leigh disease
Red flags for metabolic disease
Multi system especially neurological
Triggered by foods, illness, exercise
Lesch-Nyhan is
Juvenile gout
Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN)
Brain iron accumulation
Mucopolysaccharidoses are a group of metabolic disorders caused by the absence or malfunctioning of lysosomal enzymes
What is glycolysis
Break down of glucose to pyruvate
High anion gap acidosis
Organic acidaemia
Ammonia and urea cycle defects
Toxic to brain and causes respiratory centre in brain causes hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis
Recurrent hypoglycemia associated with intercurrent illness in the absence of
metabolic acidosis or other electrolyte imbalances is suggestive of…
Severe untreated can cause..
Recurrent hypoglycemia associated with intercurrent illness in the absence of
metabolic acidosis or other electrolyte imbalances is suggestive of carnitine
Untreated carnitine deficiency can result in irreversible cardiomyopathy and
skeletal muscle dysfunction.
Vomiting lethargy and hypoglycaemia with fasting could be..
Bone, lung, HSM (big spleen) in which disorder
Variable neuro depending on type
Type I: impaired olfaction and cognition
Type II: serious convulsions, hypertonia, mental retardation, and apnea
Type III: muscle twitches known as myoclonus, convulsions, dementia, and ocular muscle apraxia
Presents with FTT, fatty stools and on exam Acanthocytosis blood film, Retinitis pigmentosa, Hypocholesterolemia/low blood cholesterol in which syndrome
REtinitis pigmentosa combined with ophthalmoplegia, dysphagia, ataxia, and cardiac conduction defects is seen in ??
A mitochondrial DNA disorder Kearns-Sayre syndrome (also known as Ragged Red Fiber Myopathy)
Carnitine used in treatment of which metabolic disorders
Carnitine (binds to and helps excrete
organic acids)
Born normal Severe early (within 6m) Dev regression and FTT
AR trait family history may be present
On exam have HSM, cherry red spot eye exam
Neimann-pick A
(deficient acid sphingomyelinase - low on testing lysosomal enzyme chr 11 therefore the protein accumulates)
B - like A but has pulmonary involvement