Met Services Flashcards
What is the WAFS?
World Area Forecast System
What is the SADIS?
Satellite Distribution System
What is the MWO?
Meteorological Watch Office
What is the RAFC?
Regional Area Forecast Centre
What is the WAFC?
World Area Forecast Centre
What is the VAAC?
Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre
What are the types of Aerodrome Weather Reports?
Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR)
Special Report (SPECI)
Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF)
Aerodrome Warnings
Wind Shear Warnings
What is a METAR?
A report of actual weather conditions at a
particular aerodrome at a specified time
How often are METARs completed?
Usually each hour or half hour
What does a METAR include?
Surface Wind
Surface Visibility (inc RVR)
Any Weather
Air Temperature/Dewpoint
What is a SPECI?
An amendment to a METAR that is designed to draw attention to an improvement or deterioration of a condition that might significantly affect aircraft operations.
In what non-weather related event is a SPECI required?
Following an aircraft accident
What is a TAF?
A concise statement of expected meteorological conditions at an aerodrome during a specified period.
How often are TAFs produced?
Every 3 hours for a 9 hour TAF
Every 6 hours for 24/30 hour TAFs
What are Trends?
Added to METARs at selected aerodromes to indicate significant expected changes over next 2 hours
What type of warnings are given to aerodromes?
Gales / Strong wind warning
Frost / Snow
Freezing precipitation
How long do weather warnings remain in force for at aerodromes?
Remain in force for validity period stated.
When should windshear reports stop being given out?
When aircraft reports indicate that windshear no longer exists
What is LLWSAS?
Low Level Wind Shear Alerting System
Where are the international standards of meteorology set?
World Meteorological Office (WMO)
How long is a SIGMET valid for?
4 hours
What are SIGMETs promulgated for?
Active Thunderstorm
Freezing Rain
Severe Turbulence
Severe Mountain Waves
Tropical Cyclone
Heavy Hail
Severe Icing
Volcanic Ash Cloud
Heavy Dust/Sandstorms
Which weather phenomena is considered relevant to cruising aircraft?
Moderate or Severe Turbulence
Cumulonimbus clouds
Volcanic Ash
What does ATIS stand for?
Automatic Terminal Information Service
What is included in an ATIS broadcast?
Aerodrome Status
Current Weather
ATIS Information Code
What does AMHS stand for?
Automated Message Handling Service