MET Levels Flashcards
Class I
no limits to activity (MET 6.5)
Class II
Slight activity limit, comfort at rest, ordinary activity causes fatigue pain, dyspnea and palpitations (MET 4.5)
Class III
marked limitation, comfort at rest, less than ordinary activity- fatigue palpitation, dyspnea, angina pain (MET 3.0)
Class IV
inability to carry out activities w/o discomfort
Stage 1 (1-1.4)
SITTING- tabletop, self-feeding, wash hands, bed mobility
Stage 2 (1.4 -2.0)
(NO ISOMETRICS) SITTING- ADLS- self-bathing, shaving, dressing, grooming, unlimited sitting, slow ambulation
Stage 3 (2.0- 3.0)
SITTING: briefing standing periods, washing, dressing
Stage 4 (3.5-4.0)
STANDING- ex. can start (mild- cycling, treadmill)- light home management with energy conservation
Stage 5 (3.5-4.0)
STANDING- washing dishes, cloths, light home repairs increase home management
Stage 6 (4.1 and above)
Most home management, swimming, light calisthenics
Pulse/HR Parameters:
Normal adult
60-80 BPM, 120/80 BP, 12-18 breaths/min
Pulse/HR Parameters: Pediatric - newborn
120 BMP, 75/50 BP, 40 breath/min
100+ BPM
less than 60 BPM
above 140/90