Definitions Flashcards
misalignment of the eyes
reflexive rapid movement of the eyeballs, often in response to turning the head
decrease ability to see for distances
difficulty with accommodation (ability to see something at a far distance and then quickly focus on something in close range, and vice versa)
Oculomotor Function
describes motor movements of the eyes, such as saccades, pursuits, convergence and accommodation
Visual Acuity
relates to the ability to see objects or the environment clearly at various distances
Visual Field
describes the extent of peripheral vision an individual has, which is typically tested in upper/lower quadrants in both the right and left visual field
describes the ability to search for and locate desired information or objects either in written form or in the environment
Cerebellar lesions result in
ataxia and dysmetria
Suction plate and cup holder These assistive devices will help the client stabilize the plate and hold the cup during a meal.
Many symptoms of Ataxia mimic those of being drunk, such as slurred speech, stumbling, falling, and incoordination. These symptoms are caused by damage to the cerebellum, the part of the brain that is responsible for coordinating movement.
lack of coordination of movement typified by the undershoot or overshoot of intended position with the hand, arm, leg, or eye. It is a type of ataxia. It can also include an inability to judge distance or scale.
Dyskinetic CP
characterized by dystonia (Involuntary muscle contractions that cause repetitive or twisting movements.) and caused by a basal ganglia lesion.
fluctuating tone
Spastic CP
caused by a cerebellar lesion and is characterized by spasticity and hypertonia
Ataxic CP
caused by a cerebellar lesion and is characterized by hypotonia and ataxia
Self-Feeding: 5-7 months
infant begins to eat from a spoon
Self-Feeding: 6-8 months
the infant begins to grasp the bottle
Self-Feeding: 9-13 months
the infant begins to feed himself finger foods (e.g. cheerios)
Self-Feeding: 12-14 months
infant attempts to use a spoon more IND, but often spills
Claw Hand
caused by:
ulnar nerve injury
characterized by curling of 4th and 5th fingers
Wrist Drop
radial nerve injury
inability to extend the wrist
Benediction sign
median nerve injury
decreased ability to flex 2nd and 3rd digit
Ape hand
distal median nerve
atropy of the thenar eminence muscles in the thumb and decreased ability to abduct, flex or oppose the thumb
Guyon’s Canal
ulnar nerve in the WRIST
results in sensory changes, decreased strength in the hand along the ulnar nerve pathway