Met disroders Flashcards
Toxic accumulation of Fructose-1-phosphate in the Liver, Kidney and SI, causing cell death.
adolase B deficiency hereditary fructose intolerance
chromosome 12 problem
unusually light hair and skin when left untreted
elevated plasma phenyalinine
avoid aspartame
neuro dysfunction due to loss of myelin
inceased RBC - galactose 1 phostphate
GALT deficiency
PKU tx in children and adults
PKU tx in adults only
Autosomal recessive disorder with a deficiency in the enzyme that breaks down BCAAs.
maple syrup disease
Leucine, isoleucine and valine
BCAA affected in maple syrup urine disease
BCKDC deficiency
maple syrup disease MC enzyme deficiency
excess of this BCAA causes neuro symptoms
excess of this BCAA causes maple syrup like odor (burn caramel)
switch to soy products
stop breastfeeding
avoid dairy/milk
galactosemia (GALT, GALK, GALE def)
deficiency in PAH
converts phenylalanine to tyrosine
PAH phenyalanine hydroxylase
long term management includes yearly CBC, LFT, and opthamologic exams. as well as FSH, LH and estradiol for females.
galactosemia (GALT, GALK, GALE)
also would obtain RBC galactose-1-phosphate
tx is complete avoidance of fructose AND sucrose
adolase B deficiency (hereditary fructose intolerance)
3-30% residual enzyme deficiency of BCKDC
nonclassic Maple syrup urine disease
<3% residual enzyme deficiency of BCKDC
classic Maple syrup urine disease
presents with irritability, poor feeding, seizures, cerebral edema and death
classic maple syrup urine disease
s/s present within 48 hrs - 2 week
delayed onset until childhood but exacerbated by physical stress. epigastric pain, comiting, hyperactivity, sleep disturbance
nonclassic maple syrup urine disease
managed with strict protein restriction
trials of thiamine
Maple syrup urine disease