Mesozoans Flashcards
Mesozoan Classes
Cl. Orthonectida
Cl. Rhombozoa
Mesozoan Characteristics
Small Parasitic 1st called ciliated protists Multicellular 10-40 cells 2 tissues: ectoderm and mesoderm May have exhibited lateral gene transference Ciliated body Develop intracellularly
Orthonectida Characteristics
Parasite of bivalve mollusk so Small Gonochoristic (m and f) Plasmodia larvae Juveniles relie on host
Plasmodia larvae
Live in host; cannot sexually reproduce
Produce sexually mature adult within that leaves and mates
Rhombozoa Characteristics
Parasite of cephalopod nephridia or kidneys
Live off host urine
5 step reproduction
Rhombozoa reproduction
- Primary nematogen (axial cells and axoblast cells)
- Proliferate nematogens
- Transform into or create last generation of rhombogens
- Rhombogen axoblasts differentiate into infusorigens
- Self-fertilize and release ciliated infusoriform larvae that find new host
Primary Nematogen
1st stage in kidney
20-30 ciliated cells surround an axial cell that forms a central shaft
Axial cell
Central shaft and reproductive center; contains axoblasts
Axoblast cells
Within axial cell
Develops into more asexual reproducing nematogens, which create more axoblasts
Sexual stage of Rhombozoa
Morphologically same as nematogen
Rhombogen axoblasts differentiate into non-ciliated infusorigens that never emerge
- simultaneous hermaphrodites
Infusoriform Larvae
Find new host