Leeches Flashcards
Leeches Taxonomy
Phylum Annelida
Class Clitellata
Subclass Hirudinea
Hirudinea habitat
FW and terrestrial
Small portion marine
Hirudinea body plan
Lack parapodia and head appendages and setae
No septa
Continuous coelomic space with connective tissue or mesenchyme
Fills large coelomic space
Hirudinea locomotion
Locomotor over solid substrates using suckers as temporary anchors
Anterior and posterior suckers
Extend forward using circular muscle and attach with anterior sucker, then relax circ. muscles and contract longitudinal muscles; arch body to bring together suckers and then repeat
Hirudinea Feeding
Ectoparasitic: feed on blood of other invertebrates and vertebrates
Possess jaws: three toothed incision
Hirudinea Medicinal Purposes
Alleviate fluid pressure following damage to vascular tissue 1. Drains excess blood 2. Injects anticoagulant (Hirudin) Antibiotics Blood clots
Hirudinea Reproduction
Simultaneous hermaphrodites No free-living larval stage A few segments involved in gametogenesis Internal fertilization: copulation or jabbing sperm (spermatophore) Mutual sperm exchange
Gamete production
Hirudinea Clitellum
Functions in producing the cocoon and nutritive fluid
Mini leech emerges from cocoon
Hirudinea Digestion
Linear and unsegmented
Food moved through tract by muscle contraction or cilia