MEP 5 Flashcards
Can advanced electronic signatures be accepted for CD 2 and 3 drugs?
Yes where the electronic prescribing service (EPS) is used
Does the strength of a medicine always need to be on a prescription?
If there is more than one strength available, yes
What does the quantity on a CD 2 and 3 prescription need to be written as?
Words and figures
1) What does the DOH recommend that the maximum prescribed quantity of Schedule 2, 3 and 4 drugs on one prescription (in terms of days)?
2) Is this a legal restriction?
1) 30 days
2) Not a legal restriction but prescribers should be able to justify the quantity requested
If a patient is homeless, what should you put in the address section on a prescription?
No fixed abode
When a controlled drug prescription is written by a dentist, what phrase must be present?
“For dental treatment only”
When a controlled drug is supplied, it is a requirement to mark the prescription with what?
mark the prescription with the date of supply at the time the supply is made.
True or false:Sugar free/colour free products have a greater potential for abuse, so the RPS advises that these are only supplied when specifically prescribed
Would the instructions “as directed” be acceptable on a controlled drug prescription?
No “One as directed” would be acceptable
If a woman of child bearing age is on valproate, do they have to be on the pregnancy prevention programme?
Yes- Government warning came in April 2018 stating they should not be prescribed it unless on PPP
True or False: For instalment prescriptions, there is approved wording set out by the Home Office
1) Please dispense instalments due on pharmacy closed days on a prior suitable day.
2) If an instalment’s collection day has been missed, please still dispense the amount due for any remaining day(s) of that instalment
3) Consult the prescriber if three or more consecutive days of a prescription have been missed
4) Supervise consumption on collection days
5) Dispense daily doses in separate containers
For CD 2 and 3 prescription, if either the words or figures (but not both) of the quantity has been omitted, can a pharmacist amend this?
1) Yes- should mark the prescription to show amendment has been made
2) (name, date, signature and GPhC registration
If there is a minor typographical error/spelling mistake on a CD 2/3 prescription, can a pharmacist amend this?
1) Yes- should mark the prescription to show amendment has been made
2) (name, date, signature and GPhC registration
number) .
For CD 2/3 prescriptions, can a pharmacist amend a date, dose, form or strength?
True or false:Private CD 2/3 prescriptions must be written on standardised forms
If a hospital is dispensing a private CD 2/3 prescription within the same legal entity, is a standardised form required?
What must you have on a private CD prescription to identify the prescriber and what is it?
A prescriber identification number must be included on standardised private prescriptions.It is a number issued by the relevant NHS agency and the prescriber can obtain it from their local primary care organisation
Do vet CD prescriptions need to be written on a standardised private CD form?
If a healthcare professional is picking up a CD2 on behalf of a patient, what is required?
1) Name of HCP
2) Address of HCP Identity required - if they do not have identity, it is up to discretion of pharmacist
If a drug misuser wants a representative to collect a CD on their behalf, what are pharmacists advised to do?
1) Obtain a letter from the drug misuser that authorises and names the representative. (This includes those detained in police custody who should supply a letter of authorisation to a police custody officer to present to the pharmacist)
2) A separate letter should be obtained each time and the record of supply should be included about the representative in the CD register
If a CD script is meant to be supervised but a representative with a consent letter from the patient turns up to the pharmacy, what should you do?
1) You should contact the prescriber before the medicine is supplied to the representative – since supervision will not be possible. It is legally acceptable to confirm verbally with the prescriber that they are happy with this arrangement since supervision, while important, is not a legal requirement under the 2001 Regulations
2) It would not be necessary to contact the prescriber if the person has been detained in police custody and the representative collecting the dose is a police custody officer
Does phenobarbital require safe custody?
What drugs need to be kept under safe custody?
1) Schedule 1, 2
2) Schedule 3 There are some exemptions e.g. tramadol
Does safe custody apply to returned CDs from patients?
Yes until destroyed
What controlled drug schedules need to be denatured before disposal?
Schedules 1, 2, 3 and 4 (part 1)
What is the difference between destroying CDs that are pharmacy stock, and that are patient returned POMs?
1) Pharmacy stock needs a witness by authorised person for CD2
2) patient returned returned POMs do not - however it is preferable for denaturing to be witnessed by another staff member
For patient returned CDs, should a record be made when destroying them?
A record should not be made in the Controlled Drugs register but records of patient- returned Schedule 2 Controlled Drugs and their subsequent destruction should be recorded in a separate record for this purpose
Do you need an authorised witness when destroying CD unwanted stock/patient returned expired stock?
1) Yes if schedule 2
2) Good practice for schedule 3