MEP 3 Flashcards
What 2 aspects of an FMed 296 (miliatry) prescription would flag up concern?
1) If it is handwritten, as they are normally computer generated - look out for CDs, codeine, sedatives, and medicines for erectile dysfunction
2) British Forces Post Office address stamp present- these are not normally seen in the UK so be wary
1) What 6 pieces of information are legal requirements on a dispensed label?
2) What does the RPS also recommend should be on the label?
1) Name of patient
2) Name and address of supplying pharmacy
3) Date of dispensing
4 Name of medicine
5) Directions for use
6) Precautions relating to the use of the medicine
The RPS recommends the following should also appear:
↳ Keep out of reach and sight of children
↳ Use this medicine only on your skin (where applicable)
In secure environments (prison) what is strongly recommended that is also on the label to identify the patient?
Prisoner number
The assembly or pre-packing of medicines by a pharmacy to be supplied to a separate legal entity e.g. NHS trust required the appropriate license from who?
MHRA or Manfuacturer’s Specials License
What is a patient specific direction?
An instruction to administer a medicine to a list of individually named patients where each patient on the list has been individually assessed by that prescriber
What is a patient group direction?
1) A PGD is a written direction that allows the supply and/or administration of a specified medicine or medicines, by named authorised health professionals, to a well-defined group of patients requiring treatment for a specific condition.
2) pharmacists can supply, offer to supply and administer diamorphine or morphine under a PGD for the immediate, treatment of sick or injured persons.
For emergency supply at the request of a prescriber: Within how many hours does a prescriber need to provide a prescription after an emergency supply?
Within 72 hours. The date of receiving the prescription should be documented in POM register
Can controlled drugs be issued as an emergency supply?Is there any exceptions?
1) 1,2,3 no
2) 4 and 5 yes
3) Exception is phenobarbital which can be supplied for 5 treatment days only for epilepsy
1) Do emergency supplies need to be entered into the POM register?
2) If it is a the request of a patient, what information should be documented?
1) Yes
2) If a patient request, should include information and nature of emergency - why the patient needs the POM and why a prescription cannot be obtained
For emergency supplies, what is the max quantity that can be supplied for:
1) CD 4 and 5s
2) Any other POMs
3) What are the exceptions to this?
1) 5 day supply max
2) 30 day supply max
3) Exceptions include insulin, creams inhalers where a pack cannot be broken down. The smallest pack available should be given.
How much of an oral contraceptive should you give in an emergency supply?
If an oral contraceptive, a full treatment cycle should be provided
How much of a liquid antibiotic should you give in an emergency supply?
If an antibiotic in liquid form, smallest quantity that will provide full course should be supplied
In addition to standard labelling requirements, what else needs to be included on the dispensing label in an emergency supply?
The words “Emergency supply”
Is it possible to do an emergency supply during GP opening hours?
Yes, need to use professional judgement to see if the patient cannot get a prescription that day
What are the 7 exemptions of supplying a medicine without a prescriptions?
1) Patient group directions
2) Emergency supply (by prescriber or patient)
3) Pandemic exemptions
4) Optometrist or podiatrist signed orders for patients
5) Supply of salbutamol inhalers to schools
6) Supply of adrenaline autoinjectors to schools
7) Supply of naloxone by individuals providing recognised drug treatment services
Can schools stock hold salbutamol inhalers and epi pens?
Who can provide a signed order for salbutamol inhalers and epi pens for a school?
Principal/head teacher
What is needed on a signed order for salbutamol inhalers and epi pens for a school?
1) the name of the school for which the medicinal product is required
2) the purpose for which that product is required
3) the total quantity required (there is no limit but should relate to school size, number of kids with asthma)
↳Ideally, appropriately headed paper should be used; however, this is not a legislative requirement. You need to ensure it is not for profit as well.
How long does a record of salbutamol and epi pen supply for a school need to be kept for?
Signed record needs to be retained for 2 years or an entry in the POM register. You need to include the purpose of supply in this record
1) What programme is in place for females on isotretinoin and how long should the patient be under this programme for?
2) Is this compulsory?
1) Pregnancy prevention programme.
2) During treatment and for at least one month after stopping Patient should be under PPP unless the prescriber agrees that there are compelling reasons that indicate there is no risk of pregnancy.
How long are isotretinoin prescriptions under the pregnancy prevention programme valid for?
7 days
What is the max quantity that can be supplied for an isotretinoin prescription under the pregnancy prevention programme?
30 days max
Can you issue repeat prescriptions of oral isotretinoin?
Can you issue faxed prescriptions for oral isotretinoin?
Can you issue an emergency supply for isotretinoin?
Should only be accepted if this is an emergency supply at the request of a PPP specialist prescriber together with confirmation that pregnancy status has been established as negative within the preceding seven days.
If there is an unplanned pregnancy and patient is on sodium valproate what should you advise the patient?
Do not stop your treatment and arrange to see prescriber ASAP
Why is a biosimilar medicine not a generic medicine?
Due to the complexity of structure and greater size of biologics as well as their inherent heterogeneity resulting from their production methods, it is not possible to make an identical copy of the originator biologic. All biosimilars need to be prescribed by brand as per MHRA advice
1) What sort of license is required to prescribe cocaine, dipipanone or diamorphine?
2) Who can prescribe these?
1) Home Office License
2) Doctors Pharmacist/nurse independent prescribers may for organic disease/injury, not for addiction