MEP 4 Flashcards
When a POM is supplied from a registered pharmacy to healthcare professionals, what needs to be kept and how long for?
1) Signed order/invoice for 2 years
2) Alternatively, an entry in the POM register
What is a POM-V?
Prescription-only medicines that can only be prescribed by a veterinary surgeon and supplied by a veterinary surgeon or a pharmacist with a written prescription
What is a POM-VPS?
Prescription-only medicines that can be prescribed and supplied by a veterinary surgeon, a pharmacist or a suitably qualified person on an oral or written prescription. A written prescription is only required if the supplier is not the prescriber
What is a NFA-VPS?
A category of medicine for non-food animals that can be supplied by a veterinary surgeon, a pharmacist or a suitably qualified person. A written prescription is not required e.g. Frontline
What is an AVM-GSL?
An authorised veterinary medicine that is available on general sale e.g. Dentastix
What are exempt medicines under schedule 6 of the veterinary medicines regulations – exemptions for small pet animals? (SAEs)
An unlicensed veterinary medicine that does not require a marketing authorisation because it meets criteria laid out in Schedule 6 of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations - Exemptions for small pet animals
What is an unauthorised veterinary medicine?
An unlicensed medicine that does not have a marketing authorisation and is not eligiblefor exemption through the SAES. It can only be prescribed by a veterinary surgeon under the Cascade. This includes any human medicine used for animals
What 8 pieces of information must be present for a veterinary prescription to be valid?
1) Name, address, telephone number, qualification and signature of the prescriber. For Sch 2-3 CD’s , the RCVS registration number must also be provided
2) Name and address of the owner
3) Identification and species and address (if different)
4) Date: valid for 6 months or shorter if indicated ( if repeatable, all supplies must be made within 6 months or less). Prescriptions for Schedule 2, 3 and 4 Controlled Drugs are valid for 28 days
5) Name, quantity, dose and administration instructions (‘as directed’ is not an acceptable)
6) warnings and if relevant the withdrawal period
7) if appropriate, ‘prescribed under the Cascade’
8) If sch 2-3 CD’s prescribed, a declaration that ‘the item has been prescribed for an animal or herd under the care of the veterinarian’
Is there a standardised form for vet prescriptions?
How long should vet prescriptions be retained for?
1) 5 years -Entry into POM register required
2) They do not need to be submitted to an NHS agency, but pharmacies that supply veterinary medicines must undertake an annual audit
What information about the prescriber must be present on a vet prescription for a CD 2 and 3 drug?
RCVS Registration number
What is the veterinary cascade?
1) Allows the supply of medicines that are not licensed for animals. It is unlawful to supply a human medicine (including GSL and P) against a veterinary prescription unless it is prescribed by a veterinary surgeon and states that it is ‘for administration under the Cascade’,
2) Need a written prescription (verbal request will not suffice)
Does a pharmacist have to be physically present during the sale of a POM-V/POM-VPS/NFA-VPS medicine?
Yes unless the transaction has been individually authorised in advance
When a medicine is being dispensed under the veterinary cascade, what should appear on the dispensing label unless they already appear on the packaging?
(If the medicine is not prescribed under the Cascade, the Veterinary Medicines Regulations do not specify that a dispensing label is required but its good practice)
1) Name of the prescribing veterinary surgeon
2) Name and address of the animal owner
3) Name and address of the pharmacy
4) Identification and species of the animal
5) Date of supply
6) Expiry date of the product
7) The name or description of the product or its active
ingredients and content quantity
8) Dosage and administration instructions
9) If appropriate, special storage instructions
10) Any necessary warnings for the user
11) Any applicable withdrawal period (i.e. The time
between when an animal receives a medicine
and when it can safely be used for food)
12) The words: ‘For animal treatment only’
↳‘Keep out of reach of children’ (recommended)
What do accountable officers do?
Responsibility for supervising and managing the use of Controlled Drugs in their organisation or setting.
What are the two sub-classes of CD 4s?
1) Part 1- mostly benzos
2) Part 2- anabolic and androgenic steroids
With regards to CDs, what classes require a license to import and export?
1) need license for 1 , 2, 3 and 4(I)
2) 4(II) (need licence, unless for self-administration)
2) 5 - no licence needed
With regards to CDs, what classes require invoices to be retained for 2 years?
1) Sch 2- Not needed (has CD register)
2) Sch 3 - retain invoices
4) Sch 4 - invoices not needed
5) Sch 5- Yes retain invoices
↳ nice advises keeping for 6 years
Can a prescriber on an NHS prescription indicate “repeat x times”?
No- usually used on private prescriptions
Who supplies the licenses to possess and supply controlled drugs?
Home Office
What are the two exemptions of pharmacists possessing Schedule 1 drugs?
1) For the purpose of destruction (if the patient does not agree, contact police)
2) For the purpose of handing over to a police officer. The patient’s confidentiality should be maintained unless the quantity is so large it cannot just be for personal use
What is the advice if a patient is on controlled drugs and is travelling?
1) Personal license not required by the Home Office if they are carrying less than 3 months worth
2) It is advised they carry a covering letter signed by prescriber including travel plans, name, quantity, dose
3) They should also check they are complying with the countries’ regulations that they are going to
What are the requisition requirements for CD 2 and 3 drugs and what places are exempt from this?
1) Need to use approved forms: Requisitions should be in writing (not faxed/photocopied) before delivery
2) Hospices and prisons are exempt from this requirement
3) If the request is within a hospital setting for a ward/department within the same legal entity, an approved form is not required
What are the legal requirements for a controlled drug requisition?
1) Signature of the recipient
2) Name of the recipient
3) Address of the recipient
4) Profession or occupation
5) Total quantity of drug
6) Purpose of the requisition
1) CD requisitions:In an emergency, can a doctor/dentist be supplied with a CD 2 or 3 drug without a CD requisition?
2) What must be supplied and within what time frame?
1) Yes
2) The requisition needs to be supplied within 24 hours (failure to do so is an offence on behalf of doctor/dentist)
What is an FP10CDF form?
Requisition form for CD 2 and 3 for private supplies
What is an FP10GP10A form?
Requisition form for CD 2 and 3 for NHS supplies
1) When you receive a CD 2 or 3 requisition, what should you legally do?
2) What are the exceptions to this?
1) Mark the requisition indelibly with name and address of supplier e.g. name of pharmacy Send the original requisition to the relevant NHS agency.
↳ Good practice- retain a copy for 2 years
2) Exceptions- if the supply is made by a person dispensing at a hospital, care home, hospice, prison- By pharmaceutical manufacturers or wholesalers- Veterinary requisitions
A midwife may use a midwife supply order to obtain what 3 controlled drugs?
1) Diamorphine
2) Morphine
3) Pethidine