MEP 4 The responsible pharmacist Flashcards
what does a responsible pharmacist do in a pharmacy
- Secure the safe and effective running of the
pharmacy - Display a notice
- Complete the pharmacy record
- Establish, maintain and review pharmacy
what should display notice include
- The name of the responsible pharmacist
- The GPhC registration number
- The fact that the responsible pharmacist is in
charge of the pharmacy at the time
what happens if responsible pharmacist is temporarily
absent from the pharmacy
leave notice up
what happens if the responsible pharmacist changes
throughout the day
change notice to match the new responsible pharmacist
what does pharmacy record how
shows who the responsible
pharmacist is at any given date and at any time
which formats can the pharmacy record be kept in
- In writing
- Electronically
- Or in both forms
what details must be recorded in the pharmacy record
The responsible pharmacist’s name
* The responsible pharmacist’s registration
* The date and time at which the pharmacist
became the responsible pharmacist
* The date and time at which the responsible
pharmacist stopped being the responsible
* If you are absent from the premises:
– The date of absence
– The time which the responsible pharmacist
left the pharmacy premises
– The time at which the responsible pharmacist
returned to the pharmacy premises
who makes the pharmacy record
should be made personally by responsible pharmacist
what should the record reflect
reflects who the
responsible pharmacist is and was at any given
date and time (including any absences).
how long is the record kept for
5 years
if responsible pharmacist is absent what should you record
– The date of absence
– The time which the responsible pharmacist
left the pharmacy premises
– The time at which the responsible pharmacist
returned to the pharmacy premises
how is phamacy procedure formateded
what must pharmacy procedure cover
1 The arrangements to secure that medicinal
products are:
* Ordered
* Stored
* Prepared
* Sold by retail
* Supplied in circumstances corresponding
to retail sale
* Delivered outside the pharmacy and
* Disposed of in a safe and effective manner
2 The circumstances in which a member of
pharmacy staff who is not a pharmacist may
give advice about medicinal products
3 The identification of members of pharmacy
staff who are, in the view of the Responsible
Pharmacist, competent to perform certain
tasks relating to the pharmacy business
4 The keeping of records about the arrangements
5 The arrangements which are to apply during the
absence of the Responsible Pharmacist from
the premises
6 The steps to be taken when there is a change
of Responsible Pharmacist at the premises
7 The procedure which is to be followed if
a complaint is made about the pharmacy
8 The procedure which is to be followed if an
incident occurs which may indicate that the
pharmacy business is not running in a safe
and effective manner and
9 The manner in which changes to the pharmacy
procedures are to be notified to pharmacy staff
when should pharmacy proceure be reviewed
once every 2 years or following an incident
how long can the RP be absent for
max of 2 hrs , even if there’s more than 1 rp