Mental Models Flashcards
Wie heißen die zentralen 3 psychologischen Grundbedürfnisse?
Als zentrale psychologische Grundbedürfnisse haben sich in der Forschung die Bedürfnisse nach
- „Nähe“ (sich verbunden fühlen),
- „Autonomie“ (Dinge beeinflussen können) und
- „Kompetenz“ (etwas erfolgreich ausführen können) etabliert.
Tränen fließen immer, wenn zentrale psychologische Grundbedürfnisse nicht erfüllt werden.
Was sind die Big Five (Persönlichkeitsdimensionen) ?
Mit den sogenannten Big Five (Persönlichkeitsdimensionen) erfassen Psychologen die Persönlichkeit eines Menschen:
- Extraversion und Introversion
- Offenheit für neue Erfahrungen,
- Gewissenhaftigkeit (wie nachlässig oder gründlich jemand arbeitet),
- Verträglichkeit (wie kooperativ oder streitlustig jemand ist) und
- Neurotizismus (wie sehr jemand angespannt ist oder in sich ruht).
Quid-pro-quo-Strategy (Tit-for-tat-strategy)
Tit for tat is a strategy which, according to game theory, is the most effective choice for iterated games based on mutual cooperation or defection.
Under tit for tat, a player will begin by cooperating, then in subsequent iterations will replicate whatever their opponent did last time.
It teaches us that our best option when dealing with other people we cannot trust entirely is to reciprocate their choices.
However, straightforward tit for tat is not as effective as the strategy known as tit for tat with forgiveness. This strategy involves occasionally cooperating in the face of defection. It is easy for two opponents to get stuck in a cycle of mutual defection from which they cannot escape unless and until one decides to cooperate. If both are using tit for tat, a cycle of mutual cooperation will then commence.
Life is an iterative and compounding game. Inthe words of Peter Kaufman, it pays to “go positive and go first.” Also, remember that people make mistakes. Assuming there is no maliciousness, it pays to forgive.
…ist eine Lernmethode, um Wissen sicher und dauerhaft anzueignen.
Vorgehen (Wiederholend):
- Thema komplett erklären
- Fehlendes Wissen notieren
- Wissenslücken schließen
- Thema komplett erklären
Besonders wichtiges Verhalten in jeder Beziehung
Attention / Aufmerksamkeit nach Peter Kaufman:
All you have to do, if you want everything in life from everybody else, is first pay attention; listen to them; show them respect; give them meaning, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Convey to them that they matter to you. And show you love them. But you have to go first. And what are you going to get back? Mirrored reciprocation. Right? See how we tie this all together? The world is so damn simple. It’s not complicated at all! Every single person on this planet is looking for the same thing. Now, why is it that we don’t act on these very simple things?
The basic axiom of clinical psychology
The basic axiom of clinical psychology reads:
“If you could see the world the way I see it, you’d understand why I behave the way I do.”
Now there’s two corollaries to that axiom, they’re logical extensions.
(1) Corollary number one, if you want to understand the way someone’s behaving, you must see the world as they see it.
(2) But corollary number two, if you want to change a human being’s behavior, you must necessarily change how they see the world.
Now this sounds impossible. It’s not really that hard. You take a business. Most employees of a business see the world as employees. What if you could get them to see the world instead through the eyes of an owner? Do you think that’s going to change how they behave? It totally changes how they behave. Employees don’t care about waste. Owners do. Employees don’t self-police our place. Owners do.
Peter Kaufman’s Secret of Leadership
The secret to leadership is to see through the eyes of all six important counterparty groups and make sure that everything you do is structured in such a way to be win-win with them.
So here are the six:
- Your customers,
- your suppliers,
- your employees,
- your owners,
- your regulators, and
- the communities you operate in.
And if you can truly see through the eyes of all six of these counterparty groups and understand
- their needs,
- their aspirations,
- their insecurities,
- their time horizons—
how many blind spots do you have now? Zero.
How many mistakes are you going to make? You’re going to make zero. People don’t think this is possible. It’s really easy.
Wie heißen die zentralen 3 psychologischen Grundbedürfnisse?
Als zentrale psychologische Grundbedürfnisse haben sich in der Forschung die Bedürfnisse nach
- „Nähe“ (sich verbunden fühlen),
- „Autonomie“ (Dinge beeinflussen können) und
- „Kompetenz“ (etwas erfolgreich ausführen können) etabliert.
Tränen fließen immer, wenn zentrale psychologische Grundbedürfnisse nicht erfüllt werden.
What is Peter Hollins mental model (1) about:
Address the important, ignore the urgent
Urgent things are
- mostly coming from others,
- Small, easy to do, giving feeling of satisfaction
- Should when possible be delayed or delegated
- Lead to confusion of priorities (see Eisenhower Matrix)
Maintaining constant operation is considered generally as important
What is Peter Hollins mental model (2):
First order and second order effects
- Most of the time only first order effects are considered
- Think further with higher order effects (um die Ecke denken)
What is Peter Hollins mental model (3):
Make reversible decisions
- Reversible decissions can be done fast because negative results can be corrected
- Reversible decissions lead to speed over indecission
- Regard reversible decission as an experiment, so that next decission is based on better information from the experiment.
- Jeff Bezos:
- Typ I decisions: Heavy big decission,
- Typ II decissions: reversible decissions
- Typ I decission making process is often and wrongly used for Typ II decissions
What is Peter Hollins mental model (4):
Seek satisfiecing
- Goes back to Herbert Simon 1950
- There are two types of people:
(1) Satisfyers:
- Focus on what is important
- Good enough and stop there
(2) Maximisers:
- Everything what possible is
- Try, try, try
- Picky, endless researching
- Wants perfect decission
- 37% rule: when you have checke 37 from 100 option without outliers you can stop there
What is Peter Hollins mental model (5):
Stay within 40 to 70%
- Colin Powell: When need to make a decission, do it not before 40% of information are available and not after 70%:
- < 40%: fast shooter, unüberlegte Entscheidung
- > 70%: slow, overthinker without increasing the quality of the decission significantly
What is Peter Hollins mental model (6):
Minimise Regret
J. Bezos Prozess:
- (1) Project yourself to the age of 80
- (2) Look back from that age to the decission at hand
- (3) Ask yourself: Will I regret that decission ?
What is Peter Hollins mental model (7):
Ignore Black Swans
*Definition of black swan event:
- Surprise
- Major effect
- Outlier, very rare
*Ignore black swan events in your life
What is Peter Hollins mental model (8):
Look for equilibrium points
*Law of deminishing returns: Increase in input does not gurantee increase in output
- No linear relation of in- and output
*The more resources we put in, the less we get out
*When focussing on one thing to much, an other thing will get lost
What is Peter Hollins mental model (9):
Wait for the regression to the mean
*Sometimes extremes are considered and be planned for
*Work and focus on the mean and not on the outlier
*Compare the honeymoon and a old marriage
*Let the cycle (hype, trend) play out and then see
What is Peter Hollins mental model (10):
What would Bayes say?
- Bayse formular (statician)
- Baysian thinking
What is Peter Hollins mental model (11):
Doing like Darwin
*Conflicting information collected and analysed to avaoid confirmation bias
*Embracing both sides
*Golden rule: Equal attention to opinions opposed to the own
What is Peter Hollins mental model (12):
Thinking fast – Thinking slow
- Daniel Kahneman
- Sytsem 1 and System 2
- Think with system 2
What is Peter Hollins mental model (13):
Peer review your idea or plan
- Helps to overcome blind spots
What is Peter Hollins mental model (14):
Find your own flaws
- Look at extreme positions
What would a bystander say (3. point of view)
What is Peter Hollins mental model (15):
Separate Correlation from Causation
Self evident
What is Peter Hollins mental model (16):
Story telling reverse
Use the fishbone diagramm
What is Peter Hollins mental model (17):
- Bob Emeral
- Come up with something new by modifying the old
- Substitute – combine – adapt – minimise / magnify – put to another use – eliminate - reverse