mental illness and crime Flashcards
What are the limitations of focusing solely on mental illness in crime?
It is overly simplistic and perpetuates harmful stereotypes.
What should future research focus on when discussing mental illness and crime?
Investigating how mental illness, social factors, and individual traits interplay to inform effective interventions and policies.
Why is a comprehensive approach necessary?
To address the relationship between mental illness, social factors, and individial traits with crime comprehensively.
What is ASPD, and why is it significant in criminal behavior?
ASPD is characterized by lack of remorse and violation of others’ rights, making it a significant predictor of criminal behavior.
What is the prevalence of ASPD in prison populations?
ASPD is significantly higher in prison populations, with 47% of male prisoners showing traits (Gibbon et al., 2010).
How do other personality disorders like NPD contribute to crime?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are found in high rates in prison populations (Warren, Hurt, et al., 2002).
What is the role of mental illness in criminal behavior?
Mental illness is often implicated in discussions, but its role is complex and multifaceted.
What evidence highlights misconceptions about mental illness and crime?
Disorders like ASPD and psychosis are associated with violent crimes, but most individuals with mental illnesses are nonviolent (Redlich et al., 2010)/ only 1% of violent crime was thought to be because assialaint had mental illness (Brtish Crime Survey, 2009), however misconseptions around mental illness are common and study by corrgan et al. (2005) found that 40% of newspapers had portryaed mental illness as violent and dangerous, further adding to public misconception and stigma around mental illness and crime
How does the media influence perceptions of mental illness in crime?
Media often misrepresents mental illness, contributing to stigma and distorted views of its role in crime (Corrigan et al., 2005).
How are psychotic disorders like schizophrenia linked to violent crime?
Schizophrenia is linked due to symptoms like delusions and impaired reality testing (Junginger, 1996).
What amplifies the risk of violence in schizophrenia?
Substance abuse increases the risk (Fazel et al., 2009)
How significant is psychosis in violent incidents?
Psychosis accounts for only a small percentage of violent incidents (Monahan & Steadman, 2012; Skeem et al., 2016)