Mental Health Vocab Sheet Flashcards
What is affirmation?
A therapeutic communication technique that is used to empower client behavior and decision-makin
What is bias?
An unconscious or conscious association that is founded on previous experience or influence from one’s culture.
What is boundary blurring?
When the roles in a relationship become unclear.
What is complex reflection?
A therapeutic communication technique where the nurse infers client emotion or thoughts in an effort to portray engagement and clarity.
What does congruence mean?
When a client’s expressed mood matches their affect.
What is countertranference?
The unconscious effort on behalf of the nurse to redirect their previously experienced feelings or emotions toward the client.
What is cultural accommodation?
Nursing considerations that help the client adapt or negotiate with other cultures while in treatment
What are cultural formulation interview?
A clinical tool developed by the American Psychiatric Association that is designed to elicit culturally relevant information on the client’s life context, social support, resources, and resilience.
What is cultural preservations?
Care considerations to retain the client’s core cultural beliefs and values related to health care.
What is cultural repatterning?
A direct therapeutic intervention performed by the nurse that supports the client who is changing a culturally related behavior in an effort to improve health outcomes.
What is diversity?
In a nursing context, this term refers to the qualities of a client that differs from that of the nurse.
What is engaging?
A process of motivational interviewing that allows the client to share their perspective on what is important in their life.
(motivational interviewing)
What is equity?
In a nursing context, this term refers to ensuring that the client has equal opportunity to initiate and continue fair treatment.
What is evoke?
A process of motivational interviewing that seeks to have the client express reasons for behavior change.
(helpthe client express reasons for behavior change)
What is expert trap?
The act of prescribing information or advice without the consent, solicitation, or consultation of the client.
(givingadvice without being asked)
What is focusing?
A process of motivational interviewing where the nurse identifies, analyzes, and offers alternatives to current behaviors.
(offers alternatives to currnet behaviors)
What is Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model?
A client assessment framework designed to help nurses care for a culturally diverse population.
What is health literacy?
The amount of health care knowledge a client understands and is able to return demonstrate.
What is a Home health care manager?
A nursing role that promotes wellness and functioning in a client’s home as a health care setting.
What importance, or confidence, ruler statements?
A statement designed to evoke motivation by focusing on the client’s strengths.
What is motivational interviewing?
A communication strategy that assists clients in developing motivation to resolve insecurities and ambivalent feelings toward behavior change.
What is nurse client relationships?
A relationship between the nurse and client that is founded upon trust, respect, and professionalism.
What is organizational culture?
The values, attitudes, beliefs, psychology, and experiences that influence daily operation.
What is rapport?
A characteristic of a relationship when there is a mutual perception of understanding and transparency.
What is simple reflection?
A therapeutic communication technique that is used to clarify client emotions or statements.
What is SMART planning?
A planning technique that incorporates specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-conscious factors.
What is SOLER?
An acronym for a nonverbal therapeutic communication technique that represents: square with your client, open posture, leaning forward, eye contact, and relax.
What is SURETY?
An acronym for a nonverbal therapeutic communication technique that represents: sit at an angle, uncross legs and arms, relax, eye contact, touch, and your intuition.
What is telehealth?
Health care services that are rendered alternatively to face-to-face client interactions.
What is the termination phase?
A phase in the nurse-client relationship in which the goals established in the orientation phase have been met, and new goals are developed.
What is the therapeutic communication?
A specific communication style with verbal and nonverbal techniques to facilitate the portrayal of professionalism.
What therapeutic verbal and nonverbal communication?
A specific communication style with verbal and nonverbal techniques to facilitate the portrayal of professionalism.
What is therapeutic window?
A hypothetical psychological state where therapeutic interventions are believed to be most beneficial.
What is transcultural nursing theory?
Nursing care that considers the client’s social, spiritual, psychological, and physiological perspectives.
What is transference?
The unconscious effort on behalf of the client to redirect their previously-experienced feelings or emotions toward the nurse.
What transtheoretical model of change?
An integrative, biopsychosocial model to conceptualize the process of intentional behavior change.
What is trust?
Believing a characteristic to be true in something or someone.
What is the working phase?
A phase in the nurse-client relationship when the nurse and client have established a mutual level of trust and comfort and develop progress toward established goals.