Mental health Flashcards
psychological health
Mental health, defined either negatively as the absence of illness or positively as the presence of wellness.
The highest level of growth in Maslow’s hierarchy.
The ideas, feelings, and perceptions people have about themselves; also called self-image.
Satisfaction and confidence in yourself; the valuing of yourself as a person.
Independence; the sense of being self-directed.
Guided in behaviour by an inner set of rules and values.
Guided in behaviour by the values and expectations of others.
The psychological characteristics attributed to the majority of people in a population at a given time.
identity crisis
Internal confusion about who you are.
Criteria for judging what is good and bad, which underlie a person’s moral decisions and behaviour.
cognitive distortions
Patterns of negative thinking that make events seem worse than they are.
The statements that people make to themselves.
defence mechanisms
Mental devices for coping with conflict or anxiety.
Expression that is confident and direct but not hostile.
A feeling of fear that is not directed toward any definite threat.
simple (specific) phobia
A persistent and excessive fear of a specific object, activity, or situation.
social phobia
An excessive fear of being observed in public; speaking in public is the most common example.
panic disorder
A syndrome of severe anxiety attacks accompanied by physical symptoms.
An anxiety disorder characterized by fear of being alone and away from help, and avoidance of many different places and situations; in extreme cases, it results in a fear of leaving home.
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
An anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, uncontrollable worry about all kinds of things and anxiety in many situations.
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
An anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, recurring thoughts and the performing of irrational rituals.
Recurrent, irrational, unwanted thoughts or impulses.