Mental Health Flashcards
A NP know a alcohol screen positive when the patient scores what?
What does the C stand for in the alcohol screen?
Do you feel the need to CUT down?
What does the A stand for in the alcohol screen?
Are YOU ANNOYED when your friends comment about your drinking?
What does the G stand for in the alcohol screening ?
Do you feel GULITY about your drinking ?
What does the E stand for in the alcohol screening?
Do you need to drink EARLY in the morning?
Assess EPS s/s what is akinesia ?
Inability to start moving
What is akathisia?
Strong inner feeling to move , unable to sit still
What is bradykinesia ?
Slowness in movement when starting actives that require successive steps such as buttoning shirt
What is tardive dyskinesia?
Involuntary movement of lips (smacking) tongue, face, trunk, and extremities.
What does serotonin affect?
Well being Calm Decrease impulsivity Decrease sex drive Decrease aggression Increase appetite
What does dopamine affect?
Make you worry
Increase vigilance
Increase motivation
What does norepinephrine affect?
Enchanted concentration
Enhance ambition
Enhance productivity
When starting a patient less than 24 years of age on antidepression med, what does the NP need to know?
Increase risk of suicidal thinking
Sertaline Paroxetine Citalopram Escitalopram Fluoxetine Fluvoxamine Vilazodone
Venlafaxine XR
Leo Milan I-ran
List the TCA
Amitriptyline Nortriptyline Doxepin Despiramine Imipramine