Menstrual disorders Flashcards
primary or secondary amenorrhea?
- Absence of menarche by age 15 despite nl growth and secondary sexual development
- Absence of menarche by age 13 in absence of nl growth or secondary sexual development
Primary amenorrhea
primary or secondary amenorrhea?
Absence of menses for more than 3 months (previous regular cycles), or 6 months (previously irregular cycles) in women who were previously menstruating
secondary amenorrhea
MC cause of primary amenorrhea?
chromosomal abnormality causing gonadal dysgenesis
What syndrome is a/w gonadal dysgenesis (primary amenorrhea)?
what syndrome is a/w secondary amenorrhea?
primary= Turner’s syndrome
secondary= Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism disorders:
- functional or hypothalamic amenorrhea
- congenital GnRH deficiency
- Infiltrative disease/or tumors
- hyperprolactinemia
- hypothyroidism
Primary or Secondary amenorrhea?
Primary or secondary amenorrhea?
- vaginal agenesis (Mullerian agenesis)
- imperforate hymen
- transverse vaginal septum
If a pt has an absent upper vagina, uterus and Fallopian tubes on PE and pelvic US; high serum testosterone, and male (XY) karyotype,
what syndrome do they have and is it primary or secondary amenorrhea?
Androgen Insensitivity syndrome
When do you start clinical evaluation for primary amennorhea? (3)
- 15 if no uterine bleeding has occurred
- 13 if no evidence of breast development
- 13 if pt has not menstruated w/in 2 yrs of breast development
What lab studies can you check in primary amenorrhea? (1 you must always do)
-urine or serum HCG- ALWAYS
-Serum FSH/LH (high FSH= gonadal dysgenesis, low FSH= hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism) -Karyotype -serum prolactin and TSH -serum testosterone
1 cause of secondary amenorrhea?
Polycystic Ovarian syndrome causes primary or secondary amenorrhea?
What is Sheehan’s syndrome? Primary or secondary amenorrhea
postpartum amenorrhea from postpartum pituitary necrosis
What is Asherman’s syndrome? Does it cause primary or secondary amenorrhea?
Acquired scarring of the endometrial lining, usually 2/2 postpartum hemorrhage or endometrial infection followed by instrumentation such as dilatation and curettage
if a pt presents w/ complaints of not getting her period in over one year & on PE you notice dental enamel erosion, what do you suspect to be the cause of amenorrhea?
secondary amenorrhea 2/2 bulimia
What is the progestin challenge test?
Performed to assess estrogen status when initial lab studies are WNL
-Medroxyprogestrone 10 mg x 10 d
if pt have adequate estrogen, should have withdrawal bleeding in 2 weeks.
if no withdrawal bleeding- pregnancy, severe hypoestrogenism, or uterine defect