Cervical disorders Flashcards
What is a nabothian cyst?
cystic structure that forms when columnar epithelium is covered by squamous epithelium (glandular material becomes retained)
Describe nabothian cysts
- translucent or yellow
- benign
- asymptomatic
- excision not required
Sx of cervical polyps?
-may cause post-coital bleeding or abnormal uterine bleeding
Polypectomy for symptomatic patients
What is the transformation zone?
- squamo-columnar junction
- metaplastic squamous epithelium
adequate cervical sampling requires presence of?
endocervical sampling
What cervical tissue is very susceptible to HPV virus compared to squamous tissue?
transformation zone/metaplastic tissue
HPV 16 causes what kind of cervical CA MC?
HPV 18 causes what kind?
16= squamous cell carcinoma
18= adenocarcinoma
Low risk types of HPV?
High risk?
Low: 6, 11
High: 16, 18
Risk factors for HPV?
- multiple sexual partners
- smoking
- immunosuppression
- early onset sexual activity
- hx of STD
- long-term oral contraceptive use
- multiparity
Under age 25 should not receive what type of screening?
When do you start screening for cervical CA?
age 21 despite the age of sexual debut
Do most women w/ HPV produce neoplastic change?
Nearly all cases are cleared w/in 1-2 yrs w/o producing neoplastic change
What screenings should be done in adolescents?
- contraceptive counseling
- STI screening
- HPV vaccine/education
- Safe sex practices
- No Pap unless in high-risk population
For cervical CA screening, women aged 21-29 should get what
-Cytology every 3 years
NO HPV testing
For cervical CA screening, women aged 30-64 should get what
-Cytology (+) HPV DNA every 5 yrs
-Cytology alone every 3 yrs
Patients who are HIV +, immunocompromised, hx of cervical CA, hx of CIN II/III, or have exposure to DES need a cervical CA screening how frequently?
every year
When does cervical screening stop?
Age 65 if: In past 10 yrs
-pt has 3 prior consecutive cytology results
-2 consecutive negative co-testing results
(most recent has to be w/in 5 yrs, cannot have hx of CIN 2/3 in 20 yrs)
If a 66 year old women with no PMHx of CIN 2/3 or + cytology has a new sexual partner, do you perform a cervical screening?
stop at age 65
If a women has a hysterectomy, when can you stop cervical CA screenings?
at time of surgery if cervix is removed
(was performed for benign dz & no hx of CIN2+)
when performing a speculum exam & an abnormal cervical lesion is noted, what do you do?
perform a BIOPSY
NOT a Pap smear
Is a Pap smear a diagnostic or screening tool?
Pap= screening
Biopsy= diagnostic
What is an ASC-US?
Atypical cells of undetermined significance
If a pt age 21-24 has ASC-US, what do you do?
repeat cytology in 1 yr
If a pt age 25+ has ASC-US, what do you do?
Explain what to do next based on results
Must reflex to HPV DNA
Negative= normal cytology, repeat co-test in 3 yrs
Positive HPV= colposcopy
What is LSIL
Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
If a pt age 21-24 has LSIL, what do you do?
Explain what to do next based on results
Repeat cytology in 1 yr
+ASC-H/HSIL: colposcopy
- ASCUS/LSIL: cytology 1 yr
another year later
+ASC-H/HSIL= high grade lesion= colposcopy
If a pt age 25 has LSIL, what do you do?
refer for colposcopy despite HPV result
Repeat co-testing in 1 yr is HPV testing is neg
If a pt has HSIL/ASC-H, what do you do?
assume HPV present
refer for colposcopy
(lesions usu. c/w CIN II/III)
If you get a cytology result back of negative cytology, no endocervical cells, what do you do in a 21-29 yo pt?
routine screening- repeat PAP in 3 yrs, no HPV
If you get a cytology result back of negative cytology, no endocervical cells, what do you do in a >30 yo pt?
perform HPV DNA test
If you get a cytology result of “unsatisfactory cytology”, what do you do if no HPV testing ordered?
If HPV testing was ordered?
Not ordered= repeat Pap 2-4 mo
HVP testing done= if negative repeat Pap in 2-4 mo
A 30+ yo woman w/ negative cytology but + HPV… what do you do?
- Colposcopy if genotype 16/18
- repeat co-testing in 12 mo if not genotype 16/18
What is positive HPV DNA test (x2) a/w?
21% chance it will be CIN II/III w/in 36 mo
What is considered a satisfactory colposcopy exam?
complete visualization of transformation zone
When is LEEP indicated in age 21-24?
- persistent HSIL (24 mo)
- CIN 2+
- Unsatisfactory colposcopy
If pt is 25+ w/ HSIL/ASC-H, colposcopy or LEEP?
If colposcopy done and HSIL/CIN 1 –> Keep or co-testing
If colposcopy done and HSIL/CIN 2+–> LEEP
LEEP is contraindicated in who?
- if invasion is suspected
- glandular abnormality on Pap
- Pt is pregnant
Cervical squamous cell CA is most a/w what type of HPV?
strain 16
Cervical adenoma is most a/w what type of HPV?
strain 18
Characteristics of cervical squamous cell cancer
- prevalence 65-85% and falling!
- microinvasion (<3 mm)
- invasive (>3 mm or visible)
Prevalence and types of Cervical adenocarcinoma
- Prevalence 1-25% and rising
- Endocervical, Endometrial, Clear Call, Adenoid Cystic
Presentation of cervical CA
MC sx= abnormal vaginal bleeding
- postcoital bleeding
- unilateral pelvic pain w/ radiation to thigh
- vag discharge