Menopause Flashcards
Menopause - Def
Cessation of menstruation - loss of ovarian function diagnosed clinically 12 months of amenorrhoea (but earlier than 50 risk pregnancy)
Average age for menopause in UK
52 yo
Def of perimenopause
= period before the menopause when endocrinological, biological and clinical features of menopause- decreasing oestrogen
Def of premature menopause
2 SD below mean age ➤ <45 years in UK
Menopause - causes
o Finite oocytes: ovarian follicular activity fails, oestrogen and inhibin decrease reduced negative feedback causes FSH and LH to rise
o Low oestrogen levels: disrupt menstrual cycle, hot flushes- anovulatory
Premature menopauses - causes
family history no cause found surgery chemotherapy radiation infection (TB, mumps, malaria, varicella, shigella)
Menopause/Perimenopause - S&S
- Change in menstrual pattern
- Menorrhagia
- Hot flushes
- Night sweats
- Sleep disturbance
- Urinary and vaginal symptoms
Menopause - Ix
o Not normally needed but may be required for premature menopause
o Blood tests (FSH and LH) if on OCP difficult to evaluate
Menopause - Management
o Advice, lifestyle changes o Risks and benefits HRT o Topical oestrogen for vagina o Regular exercise o Lose weight o Reduce spicy foods, caffeine, triggers o POF - risk of osteoporosis
HRT - Pros & Cons
o Menopausal symptoms: Flushes, depression, MSk complaints, sleep disturbance, QoL, vulvo-vaginal (RCT with placebo, meta-analysis)
o Osteoporosis: prevention and Rx (observational and RCT)- oestrogen dose dependent effect more beneficial younger<60y
o CHD- RCT: young healthy women <60y within 10y of menopause do NOT have increased CHD- prevents- affect oestrogen
o CHD: older >60y esp those established risk HRT cause add events- role of MMP and plaque instability- older women (>20y from menopause) used with caution- non-oral
o Stroke: overall risk of ischaemic stroke range 1.2 to 1.4- inconsistent findings <60y Cochrane analysis did not find increased risk- though known risk OCP though small
o Thrombosis risk: As with OCP increase risk 2-fold- dose related, increases with age- occurs early in Rx (usually)
o Cancer: decrease in colon cancer, breast most studies increased risk combined HRT- dose and duration related- risk small (> risk obs studies than RCT) oral CEE no increased risk up to 15y, oestradiol small risk. Combined HRT- increased risk esp MPA- risk over 5y still < obesity, dense breasts, late first child, occupational exposure
o Cancer: Endometrial cancer- unopposed oestrogen, Ovarian- remains controversial- due to the low prevalence of ovarian cancer difficult determine- overall 50-59y overall prevalence cancer low for oestrogen alone total cancer risk decreased by 20%
o Overall mortality: use of oestrogen obs studies 20-40% reduction (usually <60y)
o QoL: increase in QoL adjusted years (<60y)
HRT alternatives
o St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) mostly depressive symptoms (Liu et al 2014) o Exercise o Vaginal lubricants and moisturisers o Reducing caffeine/alcohol o Acupressure o Acupuncture o Homeopathy o Aromatherapy o Black cohosh (hot flushes, night sweats) has links to liver failure o Selenium o Herbs o Phyto oestrogens, best evidence soy isoflavone (amenorrhoeic as lead to endometrial hyperplasia) o Reflexology