Meninges and Cerebral Hemispheres Flashcards
What spaces do the meninges separate?
epidural space,subarachnoid space, and thesubdural space
What is the epidural space?
The epidural space is a potential space located between the inner surface of the skull and the tightly adherent dura. Themiddle meningeal arteryenters the skull through the foramen spinosum and runs between the dura and the skull. Injury to this artery can result in an acuteepidural hematoma
What is the subdural space?
The subdural space is also a potential space between the inner layer of the dura and the loosely adherent arachnoid mater. The bridging veins traverse the subdural space to drain into the several largedural venous sinuses. Disruption of the bridging veins is the principal cause ofsubdural hematoma
What is the subarachnoid space?
The space between the arachnoid and pia is called the subarachnoid space, which is filled withcerebrospinal fluid. In addition, the major arteries of the brain also run within the subarachnoid space, and rupture of an aneurysm of these major arteries in the subarachnoid space may causesubarachnoid hemorrhage
Fluid filled space between pia mater and arachnoid mater
Web like arachnoid trabeculae pass between arachnoid mater and pia mater
What is the external periosteal layer of dura mater?
Formed by periosteum
Adheres to internal surface of skull
Fused internal and external layers can be easily stripped from the cranial bones, and a blow to the head can detach the periosteal layer from the calvaria without fracturing the cranial bones
What is Internal Meningeal layer of dura mater?
Strong fibrous membrane
Continuous at foramen magnum with spinal dura mater
Fused with periosteal layer and cannot be separated from it
Fused internal and external layers can be easily stripped from the cranial bones, and a blow to the head can detach the periosteal layer from the calvaria without fracturing the cranial bones
What is Falx Cerebri - Dura Mater?
Dural septa extending into the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral hemispheres
Continuous with tentorium cerebelli
What is Tentorium Cerebelli - Dura mater?
Separates occipital lobes from cerebellum
Toward the midline it slopes upward and fuses with falx cerebri
What is arachnoid mater?
Proximal to dura mater
Not attached to dura
Held against inner surface of dura mater by pressure of CSF
What is pia mater?
Proximal to arachnoid mater
Thin membrane
Adheres to brain and follows all of its contours
Highly vascularized
What are Gyri?
crests of cortical folds
What are sulci?
Explain the significance of Gyri, Sulci and Fissures in cerebral hemispheres?
Gyri (crests of cortical folds) are separated by sulci (furrows) or deeper fissures
Folding of cortex in this way allows cranial vault to contain a large area of cortex
Separates frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal and insula lobes from each other
What is the Lateral Cerebral Fissure?
Separates temporal lobe from frontal & parietal lobes
Insula, portion of cortex that did not grow much during development, lies deep within this fissure
What is Circular Sulcus (circuminsular fissure)?
Surrounds insula & separates it from adjacent frontal, parietal & temporal lobes
What is Longitudinal Cerebral Fissure?
Separates hemispheres
Where is the central sulcus?
Arises near middle of hemisphere, beginning near longitudinal cerebral fissure and extending downward and forward to 2.5 cm above lateral cerebral fissure
Separates frontal lobe from parietal lobe
Where is Precentral Sulcus?
Parallel to central sulcus and lies anterior to precentral gyrus
Where is Postcentral Sulcus?
Parallel to central sulcus and lies posterior to postcentral gyrus
What artery supplies the blood for the primary motor cortex?
middle cerebral artery