Memory Items Cj2 Flashcards
Engine failure or fire or master warning during takeoff speed below V1 takeoff rejected
Brakes…… as required
Throttles…….. idle
Speed Brakes ……. Extend
Engine failure or fire or master warning during takeoff speed above V1- takeoff continued
6- items
- Maintain directional control
- Accelerate to VR
- Rotate at VR climb at V2
- (Positive rate) landing gear….. up
- Wing engine X flow switch on if in icing conditions
- At 1500 feet AGL retract flaps at V2 +10 and accelerate to VENR(VT)

Engine failure during final approach
- thrust (operating engine) …..increase as required
- Airspeed ……VAPP
- Flaps…… takeoff and Approach
Engine fire LH or RH engine fire warning light illuminated
- throttle (affected engine)…… idle
• If light remains illuminated - Engine fire button (affected engine)… lift cover and push
- Either illuminated bottle armed button….. push
Emergency restart two engines
- Ignition switches …….both on
- L/R fuel boost switches …….both on
- Throttles……. idle
- If altitude allows… Increase air speed to 200 KIAS.
Electrical fire or smoke
1.Oxygen masks… DON and EMER
2.Microphone select switches… …..MIC OXY mask
Environmental system smoke or odor
1.Oxygen masks….DON and EMER
2.Microphone select switches….MIC OXY MASK
Smoke removal
1.Oxygen masks….DON AND EMER
2. Microphone select switches….MIC OXY MASK
Cabin ALT (cabin altitude)
- oxygen masks… Dot DON and 100% oxygen
- Microphone select switches… MIC OXY MASK
- Emergency decent… required
- passenger oxygen…… Make sure (passengers are receiving oxygen)
Emergency decent
- AP trim DISC button………press and release
- Throttles…… Idle
- Speed breaks…… Extend
- Airplane pitch attitude…… Approximately 20° nose down
Battery O Temp
(Battery over temp)
- Volt/amp…….note
- battery switch………..EMER
- volt/amp……… note decrees
Auto pilot malfunction
AP TRIM DISC button… Press and release
Elevator trim runaway
1.AP TRIM DISC Button…….press and release
2.Throttles……… as required
3. Speed Brakes……as required
4. Manual elevator trim…. As required
5. Pitch trim circuit breaker (L panel)……. pull
Emergency evacuation
- parking brake……. Set
- Throttles…….. Both Off
- LH/RH ENG FIRE buttons…..both press
- Illuminated BOTTLES ARMED Buttons……… Both Press
- Battery Switch …..Off
- Emergency locator transmitter ELT… Make sure system is activated (if required for a search and rescue services)
- Airplane and immediate area… Check for best escape route.
• If thru cabin door - Cabin Door …
- Move away from airplane. Procedure complete
• If Thru emergency exit - Emergency exit door… Remove and through exit door out of airplane.
- Move away from airplane. Procedure complete

Inadvertent stall (stick shaker, buffet, and or roll-off)
- Auto pilot… Disconnect
- Pitch attitude… Reduce
- Roll attitude… Level
- Throttles… Maxximum thrust