* Memory Items * Flashcards
Max operating pressure altitude
41,000 feet
Max takeoff/landing tailwind component
15 kts
Recommended Severe Turbulence Penetration Speed:
Turb N1 setting from cruise page
Recommended Severe Turbulence Penetration Speed:
Climb and Descent
280 kts/.76 Mach
Takeoff Crosswind Component (knots) blended winglet/split scimitar winglet:
Dry rwy:
Assumes an engine failure RTO
Takeoff Crosswind Component (knots) blended winglet/split scimitar winglet
Wet rwy:
Assumes an engine failure RTO
Landing Crosswind Component (knots) blended winglet/split scimitar winglet:
Dry rwy:
Reduce landing crosswind guidelines by 5kts on wet or contaminated runways when asymmetric reverse thrust is used
Landing Crosswind Component (knots) blended winglet/split scimitar winglet:
Wet rwy:
Reduce landing crosswind guidelines by 5kts on wet or contaminated runways when asymmetric reverse thrust is used
Icing conditions exist on the ground and for takeoff when:
OAT 10°Cor below
- visible moisture in any forms present (I.e. Clouds, fog with visibility of 1 mile or less, rain, snow, sleet, or ice crystals) OR
- while operating on ramps,taxiways, or runways where snow, standing water or slush may be ingested by the engines or freeze on the engines, nacelles, or engine sensor probes.
Icing conditions exist in flight when:
Total Air Temp is 10°C or below
- visible moisture in any form is present ( i e clouds, fog with visibility of 1 mile or less, rain, snow, sleet, or ice crystals)
On takeoff or missed approach, do not engage autopilot below:
800 ft
Auto land max headwind:
25 kts
Auto land max crosswind:
15 kts
Auto land max tailwind (flaps 30 and 40):
10 kts
-900[401-412] Flaps 30:
Field elevation 4000 ft or less: 10 kts
Field elevation 4001-6000 ft: 5 kts
Field elevation 6000 ft and above: 0 kts
Minimum altitude for use of autopilot on approach
ILS/GPS coupled approach (no auto land):
50 ft AGL
Minimum altitude for use of autopilot on approach
Non precision approaches:
50 feet below MDA
Maximum flap extension altitude:
20,000 ft