Autoflight Flashcards
What does the FMC provide?
N1 limits and target N1 for the autothrottles and command airspeeds for autothrottles and AFDS
The AFDS is a dual system consisting of 2_____ and a single ______.
How can AFDS mode be disengaged?
selecting another command mode or by disengaging the autopilot and turning the FDs off.
How can you engage the autopilot?
pushing a separate CMD or CWS engage.
How is autopilot engagement in CMD or CWS inhibited?
force is being aplied to the control wheel or the STAB TRIM AUTOPILOT CUTOUT switch is not in normal.
2 autopilots can be engaged at the same time unless?
approach mode is used.
Dual autopilot operation provides what?
control through landing flare and touchdown or automatic go around.
T/F: In single autopilot operation, full auto flare and touchdown capability and autopilot go around are available.
How can you disengage the autopilot?
push autopilot disengage switch, pushing either TOGA switch w/ a single AP engaged in CWS or CMD; below 2000’ RA or with flaps not up or glideslope engaged; pushing either TOGA switch with a single AP engaged in CWS or CMD above 2000 FA with flaps not up or glideslope engaged. Pushing either TOGA switch after touchdown with both APs engaged in CMD. Pushing an illuminated engage switch. Pushing the AP disengage bar down. Activating either pilots control wheel switch. Moving the STAB TRIM AUTOPILOT CUTOUT switch to CUTOUT. Either L or R IRS system FAULT light are illuminated. Loss of electrical power or a sensor input which prevents proper operation of the engaged autopilot and mode. Loss of hyraulic system pressure.
Dual channel autopilot operation is possible only when ____ generators are powering the busses.
How many RAs are there?
With one RA inop, the autopilot will disconnect 2 seconds after ____ and ____ capture
LOC; Glideslope
T/F: Command pitch and roll modes must be engaged for the FD to show.
FD commands are the same as Autopilot except:
T/O mode is a flight director mode only
Dual FD guidance is availble for single eng ops
FD has no landing flare capability
FD command bars retract from view at ~ ______ on an ILS approach
50 feet RA
With both FD switches on, the logic for both pilots FD modes is controlled by the _______.
Master FCC.
Master FCC logic
- With neither AP engaged, the FCC for 1st FD turned on is Master (MA)
- With 1 or both APs engaged in CMD, the FCC for the first AP in CMD is the master FCC, regardless of which FD is on first.
How can you tell the FDs are in independent mode?
Both MA lights are on in the MCP.
If a generator fails during a FD TO or GA or while in Dual FD approach mode below 800’, the FCC on the unaffected side positions the FD on which side?
both sides.
What does FD mean above the ADI?
FD is on and the AP is either OFF or in CWS.
What does CWS P mean?
pitch mode is engaged in CWS mode
What does CWS R mean?
the roll mode is engaged in CWS.
What does SINGLE CH mean?
annunciated for single AP ILS approaches. It appears after Localizer capture.
What happens when you push CWS on the MCP?
engages AP in pitch and roll axes and displays CWS P and CWS R on FMAs.
If in CWS mode, when you release control pressure, what happens?
the AP holds existing attitude.
If in CWS mode and aileron pressure is released within 6 degrees or less bank, the AP rolls ____________.
wings level and holds existing heading.
Heading hold feature-bank
below 1500 FA with gear down
after FD VOR capture with TAS 250 kts or less
after FD LOC capture in APP mode
How can you tell that a mode is armed in the FMA boxes
Smaller white letters underneath the larger green letters.
What does GA signify?
ATS maintain thrust at reduced GA setting
When you see RETARD, what do you know?
The ATS are moving to the aft stop and then you will see ARM mode.
What does a white ARM mean?
no ATS mode is engaged. thrust lever servos are inhibited. Pilot can set thrust levers manually. Minimum speed protection is provided.
How do you arm TOGA for takeoff?
both FD switches on and pushing either TOGA switch.
How is pitch shown on FDs on takeoff?
10° nose down until 60 KIAS
15° nose up after 60 KIAS
15° nose up after lift off until a sufficient climb rate is acquired
During climb: maintain MCP speed plus 20 kts.
How can TOGA be engaged w/out FDs engaged?
TOGA pressed after 80 KIAS below 2000 AGL and prior to 150 seconds after lift off.
TOGA is engaged for go around how?
inflight below 2000 RA
inflight above 2000 RA with flaps not up or G/S captured
not in TO mode; either FD switch ON or OFF.
VNAV SPD: AFDS maintains FMS speed displayed on the airspeed indicator and/or CDU CLIMB or DESCENT page.
VNAV PATH: AFDS maintains FMC alt or descent path with pitch commands.
When is a white FLARE displayed?
on a dual AP ILS approach only after LOC and G/S capture and below 1500 RA.
What is LNAV capture criteria?
on any heading and w/in 3 NM of active route segment
if outside 3 NM of active route segment:
airplane must be on intercept course of 90° or less
airplane must intercept the route segment before the active waypoint.
A/T engages automatically when these AFDS modes are engaged:
T/F:The A/T system can operate with EECs ON or ALTN
True. recommended either both EECs in ON mode or both in ALTN.
Auto throttle disengagement happens how?
Moving A/T ARM switch OFF
Pushing either A/T disengage switch
An A/T fault detected
2 seconds have elapsed since landing touchdown.