Memory And Storage Part 2 Flashcards
What is denary?
The standard number system made up of 10 digits
What is binary?
Uses the digits 0 and 1
Computers are made up of switches that are on or off
What is overflow?
During binary arithmetic you can get a result that requires more bits than the cpu is expecting
What is a binary shift?
Moves every bit in a binary number left or right a certain number of places
What is hexadecimal?
Uses 16 different digits from 0 to F
What are alphanumeric characters?
Used to make words and strings including upper/lower case
What is a character set?
Collections of characters that a computer recognises from their binary representation
What is ASCII?
ASCII is the most commonly used character set which uses 7 bits
What is extended ASCII?
Uses 8 bits instead of 7
What is Unicode?
Uses 16 bits to try and cover every possible character and symbol in all major languages
What is a pixel?
A single colour that is given a binary value
What is colour depth?
The number of bits used for each pixel
What is resolution?
The number of pixels in the image
What is metadata?
The information stored in an image file about the picture
What is analogue?
The sound that is recorded by a microphone which continually changes