Memory Action Items Flashcards
O2 Mask Donning Procedure
Headset... Remove Oxygen Mask... Don Smoke Goggles (If smoke present)... On Regulator (If smoke/fumes present)... EMER After smoke purged... Mask 100% Headset... On Hot Mic... Off Mask Mic (audio panel)... Mask (Out)
Smoke Fire or Fumes
Crew Oxygen Mask… Don, 100%
Smoke Goggles… Don
Crew Communication… Establish
Smoke Evacuation
Crew Oxygen Mask… Don, 100%
Smoke Goggles… Don
Crew Communication… Establish
Baggage Smoke
Fire Extg Bagg Button (if installed)… Push In
EFB Fire Concerns
Flight Attendant… EMER Call
Gloves… Don
EFB & Mount… Release from window
EFB & Mount… Purge from cockpit
Aileron Runaway / Roll Trim Runaway
Quick Disconnect Button… Press and Hold
Aileron Shutoff 1 and 2… Push Out
Airplane Overspeed
Airspeed… Max Vmo/Mmo
Emergency Descent
Cabin Crew... Notify FSTN Belts... On Thrust Levers... Idle Speed Brakes... Open Airspeed... Max 250 KIAS Landing Gear... Down Descent... Initiate Altitude... MEA or 10000 ft. whichever is higher Transponder... 7700 ATC... Notify
Jammed Aileron
Aileron Disconnection Handle… Press and Pull
Jammed Elevator
Elevator Disconnection Handle… Press and Pull
Pitch Trim Runaway
Quick Disconnect Button… Press and Hold
Rapid Cabin Depressurization
Crew Oxygen Masks... Don Crew Communication... Establish If Emergency Descent Is Necessary... FSTN Belts... On Cabin Crew... Notify Thrust Levers... Idle Speed Brakes... Open Airspeed... Max 250 KIAS Landing Gear... Down Descent... Initiate Altitude... MEA or 10000 ft. whichever is higher
Abnormal Engine Start
To Abort Start:
Associated Thrust Lever… Idle
Associated Start/Stop Selector… Stop
Rudder/Yaw Trim Runaway
Disconnect Button… Press and Hold
Rudder Shutoff Sys 1 and 2… Push Out
APU Fire
APU Fuel Shutoff Valve… Push In
Battery Overtemperature
Affected Battery… Off
ATTCS Failure
Levers… Max
Dual Engine Failure
Airspeed… Min 260 KIAS
Oxygen Mask… As required
Engine Fire, Severe Damage or Separation
Associated Thrust Lever… Idle
Associated Start/Stop Selector… Stop
Associated Fire Extinguishing Handle… Pull (Do Not Rotate)
Inadvertent Spoiler Open
Speed Brake… Close
Steering System Inoperative or Uncommanded Swerving on the Ground
Steering Handwheel… Do Not Use
Steering Disengagement Button… Press
Stabilized Approach Criteria
1,000’ above TDZE
• final landing configuration
• on glide path with a descent rate 1,200’ fpm or less
• correct lateral track
• above IDLE thrust with a/s trending toward calculated approach speed
A min height for Vapp not less than 1,000’ above TDZE for IMC and 500’ for approaches in VMC.
500’ above TDZE
• above IDLE thrust at calculated approach speed per SOP (-5 to +10 KIAS)
Nature of emergency Time available / Type of cabin preparation Special instructions Bracing signal to be used Report back when cabin prep is complete