Memory Flashcards
Retrograde Amnesia
Difficulty retrieving memories formed before the onset of amnesia
Anterograde Amnesia
The inability to form new memories beginning with the onset of a disorder
Declarative Memory
Facts and information acquired by learning
Procedural Memory
Memory about perceptual or motor procedures
Fill a gap in memory with a falsification that they seem to accept as true
Episodic Memory
Memory of a particular incident or a particular time and place
Semantic Memory
Generalized memory- knowing the meaning of a word without knowing where or when you learned that word.
Exposure to a stimuli facilitates subsequent responses to the same or a similar stimulus
A form of learning in which an organism comes to associate two stimuli or a stimulus and a response
Iconic Memories
A brief type of memory that stores the sensory impression of a scene
Working Memory
Holds memories available for ready access during performance of a task
Primacy Effect
The superior performance seen in a memory task for items at the start of a list; usually attributed to long-term memory
Recency Effect
Superior performance seen in a memory task for items at the end of a list; attributed to short term memory
Stages of Memory Formation
Encoding: Information is passed into short-term memory
Consolidation: Information in STM or ITM is transferred to LTM
Retrieval: A stored memory is used by an organism
The physical basis of a memory in the brain
Hippocampus is important for…
Memory consolidation
Permanent storage of information tends to be in…
The regions of the cortex where the information was first processed and held in short-term memory
Latent Learning
Learning that has taken place but has not (yet) been demonstrated by performance