Memory Flashcards
Paper 1
Baddeley - Coding
Different lists of words to four groups of participants to remember :
Group 1 - Acoustically similar
Group 2 - Acoustically dissimilar
Group 3 - Semantically similar
Group 4 - Semantically dissimilar
Shown original words and asked to recall them in correct order.
When they recalled immediately (STM) they did worse with acoustically similar words.
When they recalled after 20 minutes (LTM) they did worse with semantically similar words.
LTM - Coded Semantically
STM - Coded Acoustically
Is information coded acoustically or semantically in LTM
Jacobs (1887) - capacity
- Measuring digit span
- Researcher reads 4 digits and then participant recalls digits out loud in correct order
- If they get these correct they move on and another digit to the order etc until they cannot recall correctly anymore
- Mean span for digits = 9.3 items
- Mean span for letters = 7.3
Miller - Span of memory and chunking
- noted that things come in sevens (seven days in the week, seven deadly sins etc)
- span / capacity of STM is 7 plus or minus 2
- people can recall five words as easily as they can recall 5 letters
- chunking = grouping sets of digits or letters into units or chunks
Peterson and Peterson - duration of STM
- 24 students in 8 trials
- each given a consonant syllable to remember
- student counted backwards from this number (to avoid maintenance rehearsal)
- after 3 second - average recall 80%
- after 18 seconds - average recall 3%
- STM duration is up to 18 seconds unless we repeat the information over and over (rehearsal)
Bahrick et al - Duration of LTM
- 392 American participants aged between 17 and 74
- High school yearbooks attained for each
Recall tested using - Photo recongition test consisting of 50 photos
- Free recall where participants named all the names from graduating class
Participants tested within 15 years of leaving highschool - 90% accurate in photo recall
Participants tested within 48 years of leaving highschool - 70% accurate in photo recall
Free recall was less than photo recognition :
60% after 15 years
30% after 48 years
One strength and one limitation for Baddeleys research on Coding
Strength = Identified a clear difference between two memory stores - evidence led to multi store model
Limitiation = Used artificial stimuli rather than meaningful material - word lists had no personal meaning for participants
One strength and one weakness for capacity research (Miller and Jacobs)
Strength = Jacobs study has been replicated
Weakness = Miller may have overestimated STM capacity - Cowan reviewed other research and concluded that the capacity of STM is 4 plus or minus 1
One strength and one weakness of duration - Bahrick et al & Peterson and Peterson
Strength = Bahrick et al had high external validity - researchers investigated meaningful memories
Weakness = Peterson and Peterson stimulus material artificial - recalling consonant syllables does not reflect most everyday memory - lacked external validity
Who did the multi-store model
Atkinson and Shiffrin
What are the different things involved within the multi - store model and what is their order
Stimulus from environment - Sensory register - (attention) Short term memory store - (prolonged rehearsal) Long term memory store
Name the 5 stores within the sensory register
Iconic - Sight
Echoic - Hearing
Gustatory - Taste
Olfactory - Smell
Haptic - Touch
What is the duraction and capacity like in the sensory register
Duration - very brief (less than 1/2 a second)
Capacity - Very high
STM - coding and duration
coding - acoustic
duration - 18 seconds
STM is more of a temporary store - if we rehearse information long enough (maintenance rehearsal) it will pass into our LTM
How do STM and LTM interact (retaining information etc)
STM to LTM is prolonged rehearsal (maintenance rehearsal is the rehearsal loop keeping information in LTM)
LTM to STM is retrieval
One strength for the Multi-Store Model
- Support from studies suggesting LTM and STM are seperate : Baddeley - mix up words that have similar meanings when we use our LTMs (semantic)
3 weaknesses for the multi-store model
- In everyday life we form memories related to all sorts of useful things - peoples faces , names etc : all studies supporting msm use none of these materials
- Evidence for more than one STM store : Warrington and Shallice - KF who had amnesia.
KF STM for digits was poor when read out loud
KF STM for digits much better when he personally read the digits
-Prolonged rehearsal is not needed to transfer to LTM : Craik and Watkins found the type of rehearsal more important than the amount - elaborative rehearsal
The 3 types of LTM
- Episodic
- Semantic
- Procedural
What does the episodic memory refer to
- Recall events from our lives (episodes)
- Time-stamped
- Memory of single episode will include several elements
- Make a concious effort to recall episodic memories
What does the semantic memory refer to
- The store contains shared knowledge about the world
- Memories not time stamped
What does procedural memory refer to
- Memory of actions or skills (how we do things)
- Can recall without concious awareness
What are the 2 strengths of the different types of LTM
- Supporting evidence from case studies : HM and Clive Wearing - episodic memory severly impaired due to brain damage, semantic and procedural memories relatively unaffected
- Understanding types of LTM allows psychologists to help people with memory problems : Belleville et al: devised an intervention to help older people with episodic memory
Which psychologist suggested their were multiple types of LTM
Two negatives of the different types of LTM
- Clinical studies are not perfect: lack control of variables (no knowledge of prior memory, or how injury occurs and what it affects)
- Conflicting research findings linking types of LTM to areas of the brain:poor agreement on where each type might be