Memorizables SF II Test 2 Flashcards
Stylohyoid muscle
- Origin
- Insertion
- Action
- Innervation
- Temporal bone - styloid process
- Hyoid bone
- Elevates hyoid
Geniohyoid muscle
- Origin
- Insertion
- Action
- Innervation
- Mandible
- Hyoid bone
- Elevates hyoid bone & draws hyoid forward
- C1 via hitch-hiking with CN XII
Mylohyoid muscle
- Origin
- Insertion
- Action
- Innervation
- Mandible- Mylohyoid line
- Hyoid bone
- Elevates hyoid & raises floor of mouth during swallowing
- CN V3
Posterior belly of digastric muscle
- Origin
- Insertion
- Action
- Innervation
- Temporal bone- mastoid notch
- Hyoid bone via intermediate tendon
- Elevates hyoid and depresses mandible
Anterior belly of digastric muscle
- Origin
- Insertion
- Action
- Innervation
- Mandible
- Hyoid bone via intermediate tendon
- Elevates hyoid and depresses mandible
- CN V3
Thyrohyoid muscle
- Origin
- Insertion
- Action
- Innervation
- Thyroid cartilage
- Hyoid bone
- Depresses hyoid & elevates larynx
- C1via hitch-hiking with CN XII
Omohyoid muscle
- Origin
- Insertion
- Action
- Innervation
- Inferior belly-Scapula linked via intermediate tendon to clavicle & rib 1
- Hyoid bone
- Depresses hyoid
- Ansa cervicalis
Sternohyoid muscle
- Origin
- Insertion
- Action
- Innervation
- Sternum - manubrium & clavicle
- Hyoid bone
- Depresses hyoid
- Ansa cervicalis
Sternothyroid muscle
- Origin
- Insertion
- Action
- Innervation
- Sternum - manubrium
- Thyroid cartilage
- Depresses thyroid, indirectly depresses hyoid bone and larynx
- Ansa cervicalis
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
- Origin
- Insertion
- Action
- Innervation
- Sternum and clavicle
- Temporal bone - mastoid process
- Together flex neck, individually rotate head
Scalaneus anterior & medial muscle
- Origin
- Insertion
- Action
- Innervation
- Vertebrae- transverse process of upper cervical
- Rib 1
- Flex neck and elevate rib 1
- Branches of central rami of cervical spinal nerves
Cutaneous nerves in posterior triangle of neck are
- Lesser occipital nerve (C1)
- Greater auricular nerve (C2, C3)
- Transverse cervical nerve (C2, C3)
- Supraclavicular nerve (C3, C4)
- Phrenic nerve (C3, C4, C5)
Tympanic nerve
CN 9
Visceral sensory
Middle ear, mastoid air sinus & auditory tube
Lesser petrosal nerve
CN 9
Visceral motor
Parotid gland
Greater petrosal nerve
CN 7
Visceral motor
Lacrimal gland and mucous gland ( nose & palate)
Visceral sensory - nasopharynx
Stapedial nerve
CN 7
Chorda tympani
CN 7
Visceral sensory
Anterior 2/3rd tongue, submandibular, sublingual and salivary gland.
Longus Coli Origin Insertion Action Innervation
Vertebrae- transverse process lower cervical
Vertebrae- body of upper cervical
Flex neck
Cervical ventral rami
Longus Capiti Origin Insertion Action Innervation
Vertebra- transverse process C3-C6
Occipital bone
Flex head
Cervical ventral rami
Rectus capitis anterior Origin Insertion Action Innervation
Occipital bone
Flex head
Cervical ventral rami
Rectus capitis lateralis Origin Insertion Action Innervation
Atlas - transverse process
Occipital bone
Flex head
Cervical Ventral rami
Rectus capitis posterior major Origin Insertion Action Innervation
Vertebra- Axis, C2
Occipital bone
Extend head and unilaterally rotate skull
Suboccipital nerve ( dorsal ramus of C1)
Obliquus capitis inferior Origin Insertion Action Innervation
Rotates head
Suboccipital nerve
Obliquus capitis superior Origin Insertion Action Innervation
Occipital bone
Extend head
Suboccipital nerve
Rectus capitis posterior minor Origin Insertion Action Innervation
Occipital bone and dura
Extend head
Suboccipital nerve (Dorsal ramus of C1 spinal nerve)
*** relieve of tension headache by neck massage & attaches to posterior Atlanta-occipital membrane
Great occipital nerve
Sensory to skin of back of head and neck
Dorsal ramus of C2 spinal nerve
Circular muscle of pharynx: superior constrictor O: I: A: Innerv:
Pterygomandibular raphe
Pharyngeal raphe
Constrict pharynx
Circular muscle of pharynx: Middle constrictor O: I: A: Innerv:
Hyoid bone
Pharyngeal raphe
Constrict pharynx
Circular muscle of pharynx: inferior constrictor O: I: A: Innerv:
Thyroid and cricoid cartilages
Pharyngeal raphe
Constrict pharynx
Longitudinal muscle of pharynx: stylopharyngeus O: I: A: Innerv:
Temporal bone - styloid process
Thyroid cartilage
Raise pharynx and pulls wall laterally
CN IX (9)
Longitudinal muscle of pharynx: palatopharyngeus O: I: A: Innerv:
Soft palate -palatine aponeurosis
Thyroid cartilage
Raise pharynx & pulls soft palate down
Longitudinal muscle of pharynx: salpingopharyngeus O: I: A: Innerv:
Auditory tube
Thyroid cartilage
Raises pharynx
Muscles of soft palate: tensor palati O: I: A: In:
Auditory tube : tendon warps under hamulus of medial pterygoid plate
Palatine aponeurosis
Tense palate
Muscles of soft palate: musculus uvulae O: I: A: In:
Palatine aponeurosis
Raises uvula
Muscles of soft palate: levator palati O: I: A: In:
Temporal bone - Auditory tube
Palatine Aponeurosis
Elevates soft palate
Muscles of soft palate: Palatoglossus O: I: A: In:
Palatine aponeurosis
Side of tongue
Draws soft palate down, raises tongue
NT: seen as Palatoglossus Arch
Extrinsic muscle of tongue: Genioglossus O: I: A: In:
Mandible- genial tubercle
Protrudes tongue
Extrinsic muscle of tongue: Hyoglossus O: I: A: In:
Tongue- lateral side
Depresses tongue
Extrinsic muscle of tongue: Styloglossus O: I: A: In:
Styloid process
Lateral side of Tongue
Draws tongue superiorily and inferiorily
Intrinsic muscle of tongue: longitudinal muscle
Fiber orientation:
Shortens tongue
Intrinsic muscle of tongue: transverse muscle
Fiber orientation:
Narrows tongue
Intrinsic muscle of tongue: vertical muscle
Fiber orientation:
Flattens tongue
TMJ Ligaments: temporo-mandibular (lateral) ligament
Prevents movement posteriorly and inferiorly
TMJ ligament from spine of sphenoid to lingula of mandible
Sphenomandibular ligament
TMJ ligament from styloid process to posterior side of mandible
Stylomandibular ligament
Muscles of mastication- massater O: I: A: Innervation:
Zygomatic arch
Mandible- lateral side of ramus
Elevate mandible
Muscles of mastication- temporal is O: I: A: Innervation:
Temporal bone
Mandible- coronoid process
Elevate and retrude mandible
Muscles of mastication- lateral pterygoid O: I: A: Innervation:
- Sphenoid - greater wing 2. Lateral Pterygoid plate- lateral side
- mandible - neck 2. Articular disc of TMJ
Depress and protrude mandible
Muscles of mastication- medial pterygoid O: I: A: Innervation:
Lateral pterygoid plate- medial side of ramus
Mandible- medial side of neck
Elevate mandible
Contents of temporal fossa
Temporalis muscle
Auriculo-temporal nerve (V3), deep temporal nerve (V3)
Superior temporal a. (branch ECA), deep temporal a. (Maxillary a.)
Contents of infratemporal fossa Muscle: Nerve: Artery: Vein: Foramina:
Medial and lateral pterygoid muscles Branches of V3 Maxillary artery Pterygoid venous plexus Ovale, spinosum, mandibular, pterygo-maxillary fissure
Contents passing through parotid gland
Auriculo-temporal nerve (V3) & CN VII
External carotid artery
retromandibular vein
Motor innervation to diaphragm
Part of Cervical plexus- phrenic nerve (C3,4,5)
Pretracheal fascia of neck found in pharynx
Buccopharyngeal fascia
Opening of mastoid air cells in mastoid process is called?
Innervation of mastoid air cells?
Tympanic plexus of tympanic nerve of CN IX
What passes through gap between base of skull and superior constrictor of pharynx
Auditory tube into pharynx & levator veli palatine muscle
What passes through gap between superior constrictor and middle constrictor of pharynx
Stylopharyngeus muscle and CN IX
What passes through gap between middle constrictor and inferior constrictor muscled of pharynx
Internal laryngeal nerve and superior laryngeal artery
Contents of nasopharynx
Pharyngeal tonsil and opening of auditory tube
NT: adenoids (enlarged pharyngeal tonsils) can block breathing.
Contents of orophrarynx
Palatine tonsil and glossoepiglottic folds (1 medial , 2 lateral folds)
NT: tonsillitis (enlarged palatine tonsils) can block breathing.
Two Depressions of mucous membrane between medial and lateral glossoepiglottic folds; food can be stuck here.
Contents of Laryngopharynx
Piriform recess
NT: Inferior border of Laryngopharynx : cricoid cartilage
Food can be stuck in PR.
Ligaments of cranio-vertebral joints: anterior Atlanta-occipital membrane
- Extension of what ligament?
- Connects what?
- Anterior longitudinal ligament
2. Atlas-occipital bone
Ligaments of cranio-vertebral joints: posterior Atlanta-occipital membrane
- Extension of what ligament?
- Connects what?
- Ligamentum flava
- Atlas to occipital bone
NT: fuse to dura
Ligaments of cranio-vertebral joints: membrana tectoria
- Extension of what ligament?
- Connects what?
Posterior longitudinal ligament
Axis (C2) to occipital bone
NT: fuse to dura
Ligaments of cranio-vertebral joints: cruciate ligament
1. Parts are?
- Transverse ligament - Atlas ( holds dens anteriorly)
- Superior ligament/band - occipital bone
- Inferior ligament/band -Axis (C2)
Ligaments of cranio-vertebral joints: alar “check” ligament
- Connection
- Function
- Dens of axis to occipital bone
2. Prevents excessive rotation of head
VASCULATURE of pharynx
Arteries:(FLAM) Facial Lingual Ascending pharyngeal Maxillary
Veins: pharyngeal plexus to IJV
NT: lymph- deep cervical nodes
Somatic sensory branches of CN V V1 nasal cavity - V2 nasal cavity - Mucous membrane of maxillary sinus & teeth- Soft palate - Hard palate - V3 2/3 anterior tongue -
Anterior Ethmoidal nerve Nasopalatine nerve and nasal branches Anterior & posterior superior alveolar branches Lesser palatine Greater palatine & nasopalatine
Lingual nerve
Lymphatics for nasal cavity
Retropharyngeal node
Contents of sphenoidethmoidal recess
Olfactory foramina of cribinform plate and sphenoidal air sinus
Content of superior meatus of nasal cavity
Posterior Ethmoidal air sinus
Content of middle meatus of nasal cavity
Ethmoidal bulla - middle Ethmoidal air sinus
Hiatus semilunaris- anterior Ethmoidal and maxillary air sinus
Infindibulum of hiatus semilunaris - frontal air sinus
Content of inferior meatus of nasal cavity
Nasolacrimal duct
Failure of fusion of medial nasal process and maxillary process in development leads to?
Anterior cleft palate
Failure of fusion of maxillary processes in development leads to
Posterior cleft palate
Possible complications from tonsillectomy
- Post operative bleeding from tonsillar artery
2. Damage to CN IX
Lymphatics to palatine tonsil
Jugulodigastric node, branch if deep cervical node
What muscles make up the tonsillar bed of the palatine tonsil?
Superior constrictor muscle of pharynx and Styloglossus muscle
Lymphatic drainage of tongue
Tip of tongue-
Anterior 2/3rd-
Posterior 1/3-
Mental node
Submandibular and deeper cervical nodes
Deep cervical node