Meijer - Astrochemistry Flashcards
Describe what was happening at 10^-42 s after the Big Bang
- Size = 10^-33 m
- Temp = 10^32 K
- Elementary forces (Gravity, Weak nuclear force, Strong nuclear force, Electrostatic force) are equal
Describe what was happening at 10^-35 s after the Big Bang
- Temp = 10^27 K
- Strong nuclear force separates
- Universe is a sea of quarks
- Inflation until 10^-32 S
Describe what was happening at 10^-12 s after the Big Bang
- Size = 2 lightyears
- Temp = 10^15 K
- Universe as we know it
- Weak Nuclear force separates
- Still too hot for protons/neutrons
Describe what was happening at 10^-6 s after the Big Bang
- Size = Solar System
- Temp = 10^13 K
- Protons and Neutrons
- Protons/Neutrons interconvert
- Photons convert into electron/positron pairs
- 10^10 photons for every proton/neutron
- Proton/neutron ratio approx. 1
Describe what was happening at 1 s after the Big Bang
- Size = 4 lightyears
- Temp = 10^10 K
- Universe transparent to neutrons; conversion of neutrons into protons
- Annihilation quicker than production
Describe what was happening at 100 s after the Big Bang
Deuterium starts to form
Describe what was happening at 180 s after the Big Bang
- 50 lightyears
- 10^9 K
- Nucleosynthesis stops
- Temp and pressure too low
- all matter exists as ions
Describe what was happening at 3 x10^5 years after the Big Bang
- Formation of atoms
- Decoupling of Matter-Radiation
- Universe becomes transparent
- Cosmic Background Radiation: Decoupling matter/radiation in thermal equilibrium
- Distribution of photon energies
- Distribution described by black body radiation
What is the Doppler effect?
EM waves contract when moving towards observer
EM waves expand when moving away from observer
Define Flux
The energy per second through a surface emitted by a black body radiator
What is the “Proof” of the big bang theory
- Big bang nucleosynthesis: Abundances and distribution of elements
- Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation: Uniform and described by black body radiation
- Expansion: red shift
What considerations need to be made when making spectroscopic measurements
- Light source is star
- Observe perpendicular to the galactic plane
- Need object to be observed with no surrounding objects
- Need line of sight
Factors that add/remove intensity from photon flux
- Stimulated Absorption
- Stimulated Emission
- Spontaneous Emission
- Elastic Scattering (Rayleigh)
- Inelastic scattering (Raman)
- -> only really occurs when particle is <= wavelength of light
Issues which occur in astro spectroscopy
- Line broadening
- Lifetime broadening
- Pressure broadening
- Line of sight
- Doppler effect
- Line shift/broadening
- Resolution
–> Red shift can be v. large (ca. 900 nm)
Jeans mass
The mass for a cloud to collapse under gravity
Low mass stars: M <= Msun
- Stops at He burning
- Core contracts
- Shell expands
- Star turns into white dwarf into black dwarf
High mass stars: M >= 20 Msun
- alpha capture - Oxygen most abundant element (except H/He)
- C/O burning
- Elements upto 40Ca
- Si burning –> Fe –> Beyond Fe becomes endothermic
- Odd/Even abundances
High mass stars M >= Msun (Red (Super) Giants)
- After O/Si burning, further collapse
- Core: Neutron star
- (Super) Nova
- Heavy elements
Star classification
White Dwarf - Low Luminosity, Low Temp
Blue Giants - High Luminosity, Low Temp
Red Giants - Medium Luminosity, High Temp
Red supergiants - High Luminosity, High Temp
Why can CO be generally detected more easily than H2 conventionally
CO has dipole moment –> Pure rotational spectrum
H2 does not, should not have a rotational spectrum
H2 does have a quadrupole moment but lifetime for transition is approx. 100 years so is very slow and is very difficult to detect.
Triplet:Singlet H ratio is 3:1 statistically
Lifetime of triplet H is 1 mil years - spin-orbit coupling of H is very weak; time is reduced in dense environments to ca. 500 years
- Lots of H in space so can actually detect
- CO acts as a marker to H2
What is star formation governed by?
- Gravitational pull; Heat & Pressure
- Heat pressure overcome by molecules
- Once star ignites, formation of planets starts
Issues when forming stars
- Abundances
- Mixing (density)
- Temperature
- Dissipation
- Cosmic Rays
- Shock waves