Medieval world Flashcards
What is the Curia?
The Curia became the “college of cardinals” created to select a pope
What is primogeniture?
The right of an eldest son to succeed to the estate of his father at the exclusion of all his siblings
What is simony?
Simony is the buying and selling of spiritual or church benefits
What was Charlemagne’s empire?
Established his rule over much of the former Roman Empire in Europe
Who were the Vikings?
Norsemen who made their home in Scandinavia
What type of relationship is feudalism?
Political relationship
Feudalism structure
- Lord: grants land (fief) to the vassal
- Vassal: ensures law/order on the fief he received
Manorialism relationship type
Economic relationship
What happens in manorialism
Serfs lived on the lord’s manor
Where was the Holy Roman Empire centered?
In the German states and northern Italy
What did William the conqueror do? Who is he and who is he not?
He became King of England
He is not Holy Roman Emperor
He is a ruler in France and England
What concepts are related to the investiture struggle?
Simony and primogeniture
What were crusaders motivated by?
By the desire to earn salvation
Results of the crusades
Increased conflict between eastern and western churches
What is an indulgence?
“An indulgence is partial or plenary according as it removes either part or all of the temporal punishment due to sin “
Who was pope Innocent III?
Likely the most powerful pope
What did the Magna Carta imply?
The law is above the king
What was the Black Death?
Combination of bubonic and pneumonic plagues
What was the Black Death plague like?
Black Death cause
A bacterium
What was the result of the Great Western Schism?
One pope in Rome, one in Avignon
Solution to the western schism
The conciliar movement
What is a conciliar movement?
A universal council, representing the entire church
What did the conciliar movement achieve?
The conciliar movement eventually ended the RCC multi-pope dilemma