Medieval England Flashcards
What happened after the romans left England?
The British isles became an attractive option for European groups to invade and expand. The first major group to invade the British isles after the romans were the saxons followed by the vikings.These two peoples fought over territory for centuries until 1066 the Norman invasion took over the whole country.
Why did season society develop greatly?
The society grew in size and complexity. Mainly due to the fact initially saxons arrived in smaller tribal groups and settled where they found appropriate land. These smaller communities grew into small kingdoms,which grew into larger kingdoms.These kingdoms began to grow in strength and swallow each other up until eventually they had all merged to form one Saxon kingdom.
What were blood feuds in Saxon times?
If a person committed a crime against another then the victims family may have a blood feud with the criminals family. Revenge allowed.
Problems with a blood feud ?
If the victims family retaliated with something considered harsher than the original crime then the the family of the original criminal would feel the need to retaliate further to balance things out. This could go on for generations
What’s a wergild?
Literally translates to blood money.if you killed someone you owed a predetermined amount to their family as a wergild. If you only took out their eye you would still owe a wergild but it would be a smaller amount.
What’s the hew and cry?
If a member of the community saw a crime being committed they would cry out for others in the village to come to their aid and everyone was expected to help apprehend the criminal
What’s a tithing
Once a man reached 12 he was expected to join a tithing which was a group of 10 men who were all responsible for each others behaviour. If one committed a crime the others were responsible for bringing him to justice and if they didn’t and were caught the punishment would be given to all members of a tithing
What’s Saxon justice?
If a criminal was caught and needed to be brought to justice then they would be brought before the local lord at a kind of court known as ‘folkmoot’. The folkmoot was a meeting of the local lord and members of the local community who knew the accused and could make a judgement on their innocence or guilt. If they made a decision of guilty then the lord would decide upon an appropriate punishment. If the folkmoot could not reach a decision the accused would then have to undertake an ordeal
What’s trial by ordeal
This system essentially passed the judgement of innocence or guilt over to god. In the Saxon period there were four main ordeals that a person could be put through to allow God to either protect them (if innocent) or forsake them (if guilty)
What’s trial by fire (or hot iron)
The accused would hold a red hot iron bar and then have their wounds dressed. If after 3 days their wounds were healing it was considered that god had protected them and they were innocent, if their wounds were infected god had forsaken them
What’s trial by hot water?
The accused would retrieve an object from the bottom of a pot of boiling water. Their wounds were were then bound and inspected 3 days later
What’s trial by cold water?
The accused was thrown in a local pond or lake. The water represented purity,therefore the guilty would be rejected and would float; unfortunately the innocent would be accepted into the pure water and could well drawn
What’s trial by sacrament ( or blessed bread)
Mainly used for the clergy and involved the accused praying that if they were guilty they would choke on a slice of bread, they would then eat the bread and if they survived they were innocent
Why did saxons use punishments to deter criminals?
The only prisons they had were used simply to hold criminals before trial, not to reform them.
Other than execution how were major crimes punished?
Mutilation and limb removal