Medieval 2 Flashcards
L: Plan, Christ Church, Canterbury (Canterbury Cathedral), England, c. 1174-c. 1184 (east end) and later
R: Choir, Christ Church, Canterbury (Canterbury Cathedral), England, c. 1174-c. 1184
- Archbishop- Thomas Becket
- Friend and rival is Henry II King of England
- Henry and his father end up having the upper hand of the church
- Henry II sent his people to kill Thomas at his altar—1170
- 1173- Thomas becomes a saint
- 1174- Fire destroys a good amount of this cathedral
- The rebuilding becomes a more gothic style
- Corona- the crown
- Sexpartite vaults
- 3-part elevation
- Pointed ribs
- Double columns
- Very similar to Notre Dame at Sens
- Purbeck- marble, very dark stone along the columns and the triforium found in England
- Early English architecture style and Decorated Style (windows, bar tracery)
- Early Style
- Decorated Style 1220-1350
- Perpendicular style
Trinity Chapel, Christ Church, Canterbury (Canterbury Cathedral), England, c. 1174-c. 1184
- Consists of mostly Beckets miracles
Typological Window, Trinity Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral, England, c. 1179-c. 1184
- Theory concerning the predictive relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament
Notre-Dame de la Belle-Verrière, stained glass window from the choir, Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Chartres, France, c. 1170
Cames- the lead pieces that hold the stained glass in glass
Rose and lancets, north transept portal, Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Chartres, France, 1220-1230
- Given by the French royal family of the time
- Mary and Christ in the center and the idea that everything comes out of Christ
- Prophets along the bottom
Prefatory leaf, Psalter of Blanche of Castile, Paris, c. 1200
Creation of the World, Bible Moralisée, Paris, c. 1235
Blanche of Castile, Louis IX of France, cleric and scribe, , Bible Moralisée, Paris, c. 1235
Creation Scenes, Bible Moralisée, Paris, c. 1220-30
- The actual words of the Bible was paired to commentary within the Bible itself with pictures
- In the 13th Century, the bible was made in chapters and bibles were made small and portable
L: South exterior, Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, 1243-1248
R: Plan and section, Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, 1243-1248
Relic- physical object connected to the divine; clothing, dirt, wood, body part, etc.
Reliquary- object that holds the relic
- Giant reliquary from the sack of Constantinople
- Rayonnant Style- long, thin windows, stressing the height, making walls dissolve,
- Engaged Buttress- a buttress attached the building to give support to the building
Louis IX is the only French monarchy that becomes a Saint
- Crusades began in the 11th century
- Louis IX dies while in his crusade (1249-1250)
Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, 1243-1248
- Giant reliquary from the sack of Constantinople
- Rayonnant Style- long, thin windows, stressing the height, making walls dissolve,
- Engaged Buttress- a buttress attached the building to give support to the building
Relic- physical object connected to the divine; clothing, dirt, wood, body part, etc.
Reliquary- object that holds the relic
Louis IX is the only French monarchy that becomes a Saint
- Crusades began in the 11th century
- Louis IX dies while in his crusade (1249-1250)
Upper chapel, Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, 1243-1248
- Louis IX would have service here
L: The Crown of Thorns, detail, Story of the Relics of the Passion window, Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, 1243-1248
R: Detail, Scenes from the Story of the Relics of the Passion window, Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, 1243-1248
L: Nave, Cathedral of St. Mary, Salisbury, England, 1220-1258
R: Plan, Cathedral of St. Mary, Salisbury, England, 1220-1258 and later
- Double Transepts
- Long length of church
- Small flying buttresses
Choir, Westminster Abbey, England, 1250-1272
- Dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul
- Housing the remains of St. Edward the Confessor
- Ridge rib, small gallery, dark marble, and emphasis on horizontal lines
- Ceilings are made in a herringbone pattern as opposed to just stacking the stones in France
Nave, Exeter Cathedral, 1275-1366
- Quarto partite vault with other ribbing
Nave toward choir, church of Saint-Urbain, Troyes, France, 1262-1280s
- Commissioned by a Pope
- Parish church—serving a smaller community over a Cathedral
- Three bay nave
- Nave arcade supporting a wall of glass
- Deeply colored glass makes the room darker; combination of clear and colored glass
- No capital at tops of columns
L: Section, St. Elizabeth, Marburg, Germany, 1235-1283
R: Nave, St. Elizabeth, Marburg, Germany, 1235-1283
- Hall church; heights of the nave and aisles are the same or very, very close
- 1 part elevation; nave arcade
L: Nave, Cologne Cathedral, Germany, begun 1248, choir consecrated 1322, completed 19th c
R: Plan, Cologne Cathedral, Germany, begun 1248, choir consecrated 1322, completed 19th c
- In apse there is a windowed triforium and celestory
- 3 part elevation
Nave, Santa Maria del Mar, Barcelona, 1328-1383
- No collonettes
- Square central bays and rectangular side bays
- Fortified architecture in southern France and Spain—signifies idea of protecting the church,
- Barely any windows